2013 Annual Meeting Minutes



2012 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club


10am, Saturday, June 1, 2013


Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 2nd Street, Neahkahnie



The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President John Isbell. Those in attendance constituted the required quorum: Phyllis Brownlee, Bill and Karen Harshberger, Bill and Carol Pritchard, Bill Hammer, Tori Pickerel, Ann Morgan, John and Monica Isbell, Sue and Dave Williams, John and Carol Steele, Tony and Sarah Johnson, John Hanby and Karen Martin.



PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS John Isbell spoke briefly about the work of the Board over the course of the year.



MINUTES OF PRIOR ANNUAL MEETING The minutes of the prior Annual Meeting (held in May, 2012) were reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as presented.



REPORT: SOCIAL EVENTS Tori Pickerell reviewed the two social events of the prior year: the August picnic, held in Pam Greenes’s yard and home, and the Holiday Party in December, held for the first time at the North Coast Recreation District’s gym. She expressed appreciation about the willingness of people to help set up, decorate, and then clean up afterwards. There was consensus that both events were highly successful. In preliminary discussion about things to improve, there was a specific concern about lack of satisfactory exterior lighting at NCRD. More generally, there was expressed interest reaching out newcomers in the community to involve them in the events.



REPORT: NOMINATING: John Isbell reviewed the nominations for new officers: President Tori Pickerel, Vice President Loraine Carlson, Secretary Sarah Johnson, Treasurer Tony Johnson. He called for further nominations from the floor. There were none. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the slate of officers as presented.



REPORT: FINANCES Tony Johnson reviewed the 2012 year-end financial report. He pointed out that the Club may be headed on a non-sustainable financial path, and presented a financial analysis of the Holiday Dinner Party, which is the primary source of the shortfall. He reviewed two corrective options that had been examined by the Board, both of which involved an increase in ticket costs. He pointed out that the Board had earlier reviewed the options and agreed to recommend to the membership that an increase to $30 per ticket was a fair increase. The members in attendance informally agreed with the Board’s recommendation. It was also suggested that another option for raising additional funds would be a $5 admission fee for the summer picnic. Finally, it was suggested that we should ask for donations at both events.






It was agreed that the website may need some refreshing. Tony will contact Mike Lincicumabout the current status of the website.



Sarah Johnson confirmed that an invitation to new members would be included in the next water bill. It was suggested that local phone numbers of several members be included in that announcement. Ann Morgan and John/Carol Steele offered to add their names as contacts about the club.



The question of Club maintenance of local beach paths was raised. Although the Club supported restructuring of some paths in the past, the funds had come from direct donations, not from operating funds. It was noted that there some concern about liability if the Club were to assume maintenance responsibilities. Homeowners along the paths are encouraged to maintain them vountarily.



Tori Pickerel asked if the membership would agree with the idea of raising additional funds through a $5/person admission fee at the summer picnic. It was informally agreed that this would be appropriate, but there was also the strong encouragement to actively solicit cash contributions



Tori Pickerel presented John with a bottle of wine in thanks for his leadership of the Board over the last year.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.



Respectfully submitted, Sarah Johnson, Secretary


Annual Meeting Notice


Notice of Annual Meeting



10 am, Saturday, June 1, 2013


Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 Second Street, Neahkahnie



Please take a few minutes to attend this meeting, have a cup of coffee and participate in the decision-making that allows our Club to continue to serve for the enjoyment of all who live in the Neahkahnie community.







Review and approve minutes from 2012 (see attached)



2012 Financial report



Review of the 2012 social events and details of the 2013 summer picnic (August 10) and holiday dinner party (December 14.)



Nominations of new officers. Our By-Laws require that a proposed slate of officers be presented at the Annual Meeting, after which nominations are accepted from the floor. The By-Laws further state that an officer may be re-elected to an office for no more than one additional year. The outgoing president (John Isbell) will remain on the Board for one year. The nominations for 2013 are as follows:



  • President: Tori Pickerel. Tori has previously served two years as Vice-President.

  • Vice-President: Loraine Carlson. Loraine is new to the Board.

  • Secretary: Sarah Johnson. Sarah has served one year as Secretary,

  • Treasurer: Tony Johnson. Tony has served one year as Treasurer.



Other business for the Club?






NCC Presidnet’s Report

Neahkahnie Community Club President’s Report – April 4, 2013

Dear Members,

If you attended the Holiday Party in December at North Coast Recreation District, then you know the NKN Club capped a very successful year. Our Summer Picnic and Holiday Party were well attended and fun events. I want to thank this year’s Board for all their hard work and dedication to increasing membership and organizing both events. Please join me in congratulating:

Tori Pickerel – V.P. and Events Chairperson

Sarah Johnson – Secretary

Tony Johnson – Treasurer

The Board joins me in thanking all the Club members who volunteered their time to help with the set-up and clean-up of our two events. Everyone’s collective efforts made these events enjoyable for all.

We currently have 164 registered members and you can help us build the membership by inviting a Neahkahnie resident or homeowner to join the Club. Please email Sarah at sarahontheroad@comcast.net with their contact information so she can register them and set them up to enjoy our neighborhood events.

Our cash balance as of December 31, 2012 is $3,392 which includes 2013 dues. For those who have yet to send in your 2013 dues of $10 per person, please use the attached form to do so at your earliest convenience. Our expenses for 2013 are expected to be around $2,400 which includes an estimated $325 in general expenses, $625 for the Summer Picnic, and $1,450 for the Holiday Party.

I will be leaving the Board as President after the Annual Meeting but will remain in an advisory capacity for one year. If you are interested in a Board position or want to volunteer to co-chair one of our two annual events, please contact me by April 30, 2013. My email address is: isbell.john@gmail.com or call me at 503-368-3389. The nominating committee will present the slate of nominations for Board officer positions for the approval of those members attending the Annual Meeting.

The 2013 Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, June 1st at 10am. To keep the neighborhood theme of the Club, the meeting will be held at Tony and Sarah Johnson’s wonderful beach home at 37395 Second Street.

Please put these important dates on your calendar:

Annual Meeting – June 1, 2013 at the Johnson’s home at 37395 Second Street

Summer Picnic – August 10, 2013 at Pam Greene’s home on 38150 Reed Road

Holiday Party – December 14, 2013 at North Coast Recreation District, Nehalem

Thanks again to my hardworking Board, to all of you who helped us with our events, and to those who attended our events. It’s all about friendship and community.


John Isbell, President

2012 Holiday Party

The 2012 Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, Dec. 15th at 6:00 PM. The event will be held at the North County Recreation Center in Nehalem this year rather than at Pine Grove. The address is 36155 Ninth St. in Nehalem. This change was made by the Board in response to the increasing number of attendees and availability of parking at the new site. The event will again feature a dinner catered by the Big Wave Cafe, with drinks and desserts provided by the Club. The charge for the catered dinner will be $20 per person.

All members should have received an invitation in the mail by now. The mailing also included a RSVP form with a request for updated member information and dues payment for 2013. If you did not receive the mailing please contact John Isbell at 503-368-3389 or Sarah Johnson at 503-799-3063.

Minutes from Annual Meeting

Better late than never, the minutes from the Annual Meeting in May are below:

NeahKahNie Community Club

Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting

June 9, 2012

Meeting was called to order by Monica Isbell, President at 7:15pm

Attendees: There were 18 people, including all four Board members.

2011 Meeting Minutes: Secretary John Isbell read highlights from the 2011 Annual meeting minutes. Those minutes which had been posts on the Club’s website were unanimously approved.

Recap of 2011 Social Events: Monica stated 68 members attended the summer picnic party and 91 members attended the holiday party. Given the large turnout at the holiday party, Monica mentioned that the Board looked into having the 2012 party at North Coast Recreation District (NCRD) in order to provide more space. After considering all the challenges of having the party at NCRD, the Board decided to hold the party at Pine Grove Club in 2012. Comments were solicited from the audience concerning the Board’s decision. People said they liked the food and suggested maybe two bar locations in order to avoid overcrowding at the “water hole.”

Financial Report: Treasurer Bill Pritchard handed out the profit and loss statement for 2012 which showed an ending cash balance for revenue and expenses of $1,864.04. The Club also has $3,121.43 in CDs and interest for a total ending cash position of $4,985.47. He then handled out the profit and loss statement for first quarter 2012 showing an ending cash position of $5,000.33. Finally, Bill handed out the annual budget for 2012 showing an ending cash balance of $4,117.00. The 2012 budget contains a line item for $600.00 to cover getting the Club’s non-profit status re-instated by the I.R.S. The Club was notified that on May 15, 2012, the I.R.S. revoked the Club’s non-profit status because the Club had not filed appropriate tax returns for the past three years. After connecting numerous people, the Board decided to hire Bill’s personal CPA, Mr. Bob Prill of Hoffman, Stewart & Schmidt, P.C. Bob does a lot of tax work for non-profit organizations so he is well-suited to handle our re-instatement.

Bill has agreed to continue handling this tax item until it’s resolved. As a result the Board made Bill the Club’s Government Relations Chairperson until the tax item is resolved. While this does not require members’ approval, everyone at the meeting supported the Board’s decision.

Bill reminded everyone that annual dues, which are invoiced in the fall with the holiday party event letter, are $10 per person. Anyone who has not paid his/her 2011 dues are encouraged to do so.

2012 Social Events: Vice President Tori Pickerel said the summer picnic at Pam Greene’s house will be August 11th and the holiday party at Pine Grove Club will be December 15th. Tori encouraged members to mark their calendars and let Tori know by email if they wish to volunteer on the organizing committee for either one or both events. tpickerel@gmail.com

Board Positions: The members unanimously approved John Isbell as President, Tony Johnson as Treasurer, and Sarah Johnson as Secretary. Mike Lincicum will continue as the Club’s webmaster. The members thanked Monica Isbell and Bill Pritchard for their hard work as President and Treasurer for the past two years.

New Business:

Emergency Volunteers: Karen Harshbarger announced the new tsunami map is posted at the new fire station on Hwy 101. Emergency Captains will soon be passing out a new tsunami preparedness brochure. There are two websites members can visit for more information: www.oregontsunami.org and www.oregongeology.org.

Adjournment: The 2012 Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm for coffee, tea, homemade baked goods and socializing.

2012 Annual Meeting and Event Calendar

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the annual meeting has been delayed this year.  It will be held on Saturday, June 9th from 7-9PM at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

The agenda for the meeting is shown below:

Annual Meeting Agenda

  • Socializing

  • Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

  • Financial Report

  • Election of new officers

    • Candidates:

      • Treasurer* – Bill Hammer or Tony Johnson

      • Secretary* – Sarah Johnson or Mark Roberts

      • Current Secretary John Isbell will move to President

* Other nominations are welcome. Secret ballot voting will take place at the annual meeting by members attending the meeting.

All members will also be receiving a formal notice of the meeting in the next few days. A quorum of at least 15 members is required to vote on Club officers for next year, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

The dates of Club social events for the rest of the year are shown below, along with a reminder for any members who have not yet paid their membership dues for the current year.

Club Social Events

  • Summer Picnic – August 11, 2012 at Pam Greene’s house – 38150 Reed Road

  • Holiday Party – December 15, 2012 at Pine Grove Community Club

  • Contact Tori Pickerel if you are interested in serving on the Picnic or Holiday event committees. tpickerel@gmail.com

Club Dues

  • Annual dues are $10 per person, not per couple.

  • Annual dues are due in December for the following year.

  • Any member who has not paid his or her full dues for 2012 is encouraged to mail his or her check to Neahkahnie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita, OR 97130 or pay at the Annual Meeting.

About the Neahkahnie Community Club

The Neahkahnie community Club has been celebrating our community for well over 50 years.

We are a meeting place for all property owners and residents of Neahkahnie. We host an annual summer picnic, a Holiday Party, and periodic meetings to socialize and discuss issues of importance to the Neahkahnie community. We also help maintain two beach access paths in Neahkahnie.

We welcome new members! Our dues are $10 per person, per year. Please click on the Membership Application page on the right to open an online membership application form that can be filled out and mailed in along with your dues.

2011 Holiday Party

The annual holiday party was a big success this year.  With 93 members and guests in attendance, it might have been the biggest one ever. Everyone had a good time, and it was great to see a number of new Club members who attended for the first time. The catered dinner by the Big Wave Cafe was well received again this year, and Brian and his crew did a wonderful job.

There are a number of photos of members having a good time available in the photo album that can be accessed by clicking on the link under “pages” in the right sidebar.