Holiday Highlights

December’s JINGLE ‘N MINGLE was another big success!  Approximately 70 members enjoyed the company of Neahkahnie neighbors, our usual robust offerings from volunteer bartenders and delicious food from everyone’s favorite Julie Barker and Buttercup.  Once again the center and life of the party was Carol Povey who at 101 years old shut the place down 🙂  Thanks to all who attended and especially our volunteers!







2018 Membership Renewal

Happy New Year!  A Neahkahnie Community Club membership assures that you can attend our summer PICNIC IN THE PARK and our Holiday jingle ‘n mingle events.   Don’t miss out in 2018!  Please click on the link below to download and print out the membership form, complete the information requested, and send with your check to the address provided.


Report from June board meeting of the NKN Water District


Below is correspondence from Kathie Hightower which summarizes the latest information on the Summit Development.

Dave Williams
Neahkahnie Community Club Secretary
Here is the latest on the Summit development, an ODOT report from Marc Johnson and a summary by Mark Roberts of the latest NWD meeting with the developer and the Hydrogeologist present.

Marc Johnson is working to schedule a public meeting in future on this topic. Stay tuned. Kathie

1. ODOT:

My only contribution is to report that ODOT will be reviewing the
development of the project and formally commenting to Tillamook County
when an application is filed, but the agency has already determined that
the access points to the area are legal – in fact date back to the 1940s –
and that the traffic impacts fall outside their minimums to require any
specific mitigation. The estimated vehicle trips per day for the project,
for example, are 300 – ten trips per day per home – and that falls outside
the minimum needed to maintain a left turn lane for instance. As the ODOT
contact said: the Oregon Legislature some time back made it easier for
developers to peruse this type of project without a lot of ODOT review.

2. Neahkahnie Water District Meeting report:

Marc Johnson and I attended the regularly scheduled Neahkahnie Water District Board meeting Tuesday night.

Two special speakers at the meeting brought the proposed development
surrounding the NWD spring area adjacent to Neahkahnie Mountain up to

The first speaker, Jerry Maris, is the surveyor for the Summit at
Manzanita˛ development.  Jerry shared the status of the Preliminary
Concept Plan˛ with the Board.  Jerry emphasized the Preliminary
Concept˛ aspects of the plan in that fundamental work is continuing:
pausing in large part until the spring zone is better characterized by
the NWD hydrogeologist and that logging necessary to expose the more
eastern part of the parcel is continuing, weather permitting.  One
certainty – the development will NOT exceed 30 housing sites given the
acreage and setbacks in the parcel.  Another near certainty is that the
County/(state?) requirements for Rural˛ development is that
septic/drain fields will be used; not sewer.

The illustration below shows the current concept – two clustered
housing site areas, one west and one east of the Water District spring
area (marked in green lines with a 100 tree zone around it.  Drain
fields are also shown in green though as green rectangles which are
large enough for two households.  Everything subject to change as more
information is acquired.

The second speaker was Bob Long, principal consultant of CwM-H20, the
recently hired expert for the NWD.  His scope of work is to assess both
the springs hydrology (#1 thru #3) as well as their vulnerability to
contamination, including a potential hazardous spill along Hwy 101.

He stated that his total work is about half-completed.  His survey of
the scene has been completed and ‘most of the hydrology done’.  He is
awaiting the 3-D, topographical łfine grain˛ mapping.  (I believe that
this MIGHT be from DOGMI, state of Oregon).  He is mentally testing
ideas around the Hwy 101 scenario.  Will be pulling this all together
in the next weeks.

erry joined in, promoting the test holes are open and available for
study and interpretation.  The holes are 6 feet deep; the County DEQ
staffer, Chris, must still come by and review and pass˛ each site;
always useful for sites to be evaluated by a qualified analyst; organic
soils 4 feet to 6 feet deep are visible; Tom Horning and DEQ people
must each review and evaluate each site ‹ and don’t know their

Larry Kiser:  Where and depth of spring zone?

Bob Long: Springs are of a low angle variety; are more considered an
“area” than point source; they create pipes thru a variety of means
over time tending to move horizontally.  AND, delineation of
fracture zones and areas is hard to do.  Can identify areas of
high, medium, and low flow areas around the springs  (Roberts:
Sort of like a heat map yes).

ALSO, there are fracture flow˛ and flow thru basalts˛ in the
underlying geology.  These are not visible from the surface; each test
site actually disturbs the ground, so don’t over do it; ancient
landslides and other events have churned the area.  Interpretation requires experience.

My summary:  So, there you have it – preliminary, on-going work; lots
of moving parts; more stable information will be made available when
its known.  Everybody stating desire to be transparent, provide

Water District and New Development: The Latest

NWD Review Tillamook County Process

From Club President Sarah Johnson:  Here is the latest report from Kathie Hightower and Mark Roberts, edited for brevity.  Also displayed is Mark’s chart explaining Tillamook County’s decision-making process for new housing Developments.  SAJ

Hi all—Here’s an update on the Summit Manzanita project as reported by Mark Roberts, who attended:

 Not much happened at the Neahkahnie Water District meeting on April 11…
  • The Summit Manzanita Project Planner was anticipated… but didn’t show.
  • Rich Felley is pushing hard to get the Hydrogeologist on board; Sarah the attorney has been working with Rich to get the outline of work detailed out correctly and to be on time.
  • Should be getting a final scope of work and contract from the hydrogeologist any minute. Then off to Grant sponsor for funding

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Mark and I are trying to keep on top of what is happening with the Water District as it applies to this development. We’ll keep you informed on that.

I do think there are other issues with this development, past the Water District and water safety. Things like dangers of landslides due to septic tanks/fields, the potential extreme traffic problems on 101 in summer and in RV season, with no turn lane (ie. if a vehicle coming south has to stop for a long time to turn left not the development the traffic will be halted way back,l ike it is currently coming off Hwy 26 into Seaside in summer). Neither Mark or I are in a position to address these wider issues. If anyone wants to head up a team to do so, and/or be on such a team, email me and I’ll connect you all. I’ll also connect you with Oregon Coast Alliance who is interested in fighting this kind of development. I can connect you with a community member who has volunteered to help with PR/media if necessary.

Per the Oregon Coast Alliance: “Oregon Coast Alliance is happy to talk with those who have a broader interest in fighting this development, which includes but is not limited to the water issues. We have experience in fighting developments that are inappropriately sited and/or cause natural resource and community problems. We are a land use watchdog group, that is our focus.”You can see projects they’ve worked on at their website at

Thanks, Kathie


Latest on Potential Water Issues with New Development

Hello friends. For your information and review: below is a link to the minutes of the most recent area meeting regarding the Summit at Manzanita real estate project. These were sent to me by Kathie Hightower, a resident of our community, who is following the project.

As promised earlier, we will continue to keep you apprised as this situation unfolds, as will the Neahkahnie Water District via your water bills. Stay tuned!

Sarah Johnson, President
Neah-kah-nie Community Club

Click the link below for the meeting minutes:

March 15 meeting Summit at Manzanita project

SAVE THE DATE: December 10th!

Hello Neahkahnie neighbors!

Save the date for the 2016 Jingle ‘n Mingle Holiday Party with the NeahKahNie Community Club.


The Club Board is working on a selection of favorite foods from our local purveyors. We’ll mix in wine, beer, cocktails, and of course good community merry-making. Please join the fun. More information, RSVP and payment instructions will be sent out in mid-November.

IN THE MEANTIME… if you have not paid your 2106 dues, please click on and print out the attached form and remit to the Club.


Save The DateS

Members are asked to save TWO dates to their calendars for our 2016 social events:

Saturday, August 20th: our annual Summer Picnic, which this year will be held at Nehalem Bay State Park

Saturday, December 10th: time to Jingle ‘n’ Mingle, the return of our re-imagined holiday party at the Pine Grove Club in Manzanita

Have You Renewed?

As you know, your Neahkahnie Community Club membership assures that you receive advance notice of our summer picnic and our Holiday jingle ‘n mingle events, and, just as important, your dues assist in preparing and paying for those parties.

Don’t miss out in 2016! Please print out this form, complete the information requested,
and send with your check to the address provided.

Questions? Call or email Sarah Johnson (503-799-3063) or




NEAHKAHNIE ADDRESS _______________________________________________

MAILING ADDRESS ____________________________________________________

CITY____________________________ STATE_________________ ZIP_________

EMAIL ADDRESS(ES) __________________________________________________


CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER(S) ____________________________________


Complete this form and mail it, along with your check, to:

Neahkahnie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita Oregon 97130

Did you attend the Holiday jingle ‘n mingle Party in December? Use this as an opportunity to tell us what you liked and (perish the thought) what you didn’t like along with any suggestions for improvement.

Jingle ‘n’ Mingle a Big Hit!

Even with one of the bigger storms of the season preventing ten reservation-holders from attending, nearly seventy members enjoyed the re-imagined Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club holiday party at the Pine Grove on December 13th. Jingling ‘n’ Mingling in the festive but informal atmosphere, members were treated to gourmet catered savories and sweets, cocktails and particularly good wine this year. A highlight of the evening was a belated 99-th birthday toast to longtime member Carol Povey, who declared it the best NKN Club holiday party ever!

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It’s time to Jingle ‘n Mingle!

Announcing ….. the 2015 Jingle ‘n Mingle!

Celebrate the holidays with the Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club

We’re serving: tasty nibbles, classy hors d’oeuvres, yummy pupu, savory treats and (of course) seasonal cookies. Catering provided by our favorite local purveyors of good food: San Dune Pub, Little Apple, Bread and Ocean, North Fork 53, Bay Barista Bakery and Handy Creek Bakery.

We’re pouring: premium French wines, Seaside Brewing Company beer, classic mixed drinks, soft drinks, coffee and tea.

MEMBER/GUEST RESERVATIONS: $30/person ($60/couple)

Check your inbox for an email from Sarah Avery Johnson that includes the RSVP form. In addition to making your party reservation(s), please also use this form to indicate your interest in volunteering to help with this party and/or also participating with the Neahkahnie Community Club Board for the next year. Simply print out the form, fill in the requested information, and mail it with your check to Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita, Oregon 97130. Deadline is December 4.

As always, if you have questions, please call Sarah (503-799-063) or email