Annunal Meeting Notice

The annual meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club will be held at 7:00 PM, Saturday May 8, 2010 at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

The primary purpose of this meeting will be to elect officers for the next year. Karen Harshbarger has agreed to serve one more term as Secretary and Mike Lincicum has offered to serve one term as Vice-President / Webmaster. The current officers, acting as a nominating committee, have contacted a number of members seeking volunteers to serve as President and Treasurer for the next year. At this time, there are no members who are willing to accept these two positions.

The Club cannot legally function without officers. If there are no members willing to serve as President and Treasurer by the time of the Annual Meeting, then there will be no alternative except to entertain a motion to disband the Club at that meeting.

Since we are a registered non-profit corporation in the State of Oregon, there are legal requirements which must be followed in order to dissolve the corporation. This includes disposing of the Club’s assets and filing the necessary paperwork with the State Corporation Division. The current officers would be responsible for taking these steps.

Accordingly, the following agenda is proposed for the meeting.

– Minutes of previous meeting
– Treasurer’s Report
– New Business
– Election of officers (if willing members are present)
– Motion to disband the organization (if officers cannot be elected)
– Motion to dispose of the Club’s assets (if vote to disband passes)
– Other items from the floor

Coffee, tea, and cookies will be available at the meeting.

Mark Your Calendar

It’s time to mark your calendar for the next upcoming NCC events.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Pine Grove Community House at 7:00 PM on Saturday, May 8, 2010.  This is our only formal meeting of the year, and the only item currently on the agenda is the election of new officers. The current officers have already met as a nominating committee, and they will be contacting some members to see if they are willing to serve as President and Treasurer.  Karen Harshbarger has agreed to serve one more term as Secretary and Mike Lincicum has agreed to serve as Vice President / Webmaster for the next year.

We will provide coffee and dessert at the Annual Meeting again this year. If there are other issues that members would like for the officers to add to the agenda, please use the contact form on the right sidebar or add a comment to this post.

We have also set the date for the Annual Picnic for 2010.  Pam Greene has once again generously offered the use of her house for the picnic.  The event will be held from noon until 3:00 PM, on Saturday, August 14th. There will be more information coming and a request for RSVP’s when the event gets closer.

2009 Annual Picnic – Update #2

The annual Neahkahnie Community Club picnic was a fine success.  We again wish to thank Pam Greene for her generosity in hosting this event at her home for the last three years.  She has already offered to host the picnic again next year.

There was a great turnout of more than 80 members and guests despite the unsettled weather.  While we did have a little mist, it certainly didn’t keep everyone from having a good time.  In addition to being our host, Pam also was the official photographer for the event.  A new club Photo Album page has been set up where you can see Pam’s photos from the picnic as well as more photos from the 4th of July Parade. Just click on the Photo Album link under the “pages” sidebar on the right.

Our two Vice Presidents Kay Covert and Kathleen Ryan, and our Secretary Karen Harshbarger did an outstanding job of coordinating the event and getting the word out to insure that we had great participation.

May Meeting

This meeting will provide an opportunity to further discuss the future direction of the Neahkahnie Communnity Club and vote on by-law amendments to reflect these changes.

We will be looking for volunteers to serve on a committee to organize this year’s Picnic.  Since we don’t plan on another meeting before the the Holiday Party, we will also be looking for volunteers for that committee, as well.