SAVE THE DATE – August 13th!

Hello Neah-Kah-Nie neighbors!

PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE: Sunday, August 13, Noon to 3 pm………..

for the Season’s biggest event, the………

The Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club 2017 Summer Social at the
Nehalem Bay State Park Meeting Hall

We’ll have the same great neighbors and friends! And the same club-provided and shared dishes! And the same sunny gathering at the State Park Meeting Hall.

The Club Board is working hard again to make it an enjoyable gathering. A detailed invitation with all the particulars and RSVP information will be e-mailed to you in July. It is free for current (2017) members of the Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club. The State Park parking fee, as last year, will be covered.

A membership form with mailing directions is at the bottom of this post for your convenience. If you forgot to renew in January, you can use this form to take care of that now.

And if you have new friends or neighbors who aren’t already members why not invite them to join too?

Any questions? Just email davensue_163 @


The latest Summit Manzanita info, map and NOAP








Dear Neighbors,

The following is a note from Kathie Hightower containing new information on the Summit Manzanita development. It includes notes from Rich Felley, General Manager of the Neahkahnie Water District, and Marc Johnson, a community member.

Dave Williams
Neahkahnie Community Club Secretary

Hi all-

Here’s a note and attached documents from Rich Felley, General Manager of the Neahkahnie Water District, along with notes from Marc Johnson, a community member who attended the budget meeting. Marc Johnson has stepped up to coordinate a community meeting in future, that would be open to not just Neahkahnie residents but others, to look at the wider issues here, i.e. traffic, landslide risks, others, with input from the Oregon Coast Alliance. We’ll send an announcement when we have a date/time/location. Kathie

From Rich Felley:

Here is an update since NWD last board meeting May 9th. The developer, Phil Weber, asked his surveyor to attend as Pete Adamson was unable. Attached is an image of the map Jerry Maris offered at the meeting. I am attaching an updated NOAP of the logging operation which came in on Tuesday.

Our hydrogeologist began work on April 26th. Click the link bl

NOAP for logging for Summit Manzanita


From Marc Johnson:

I attended the Water District board meeting last night (May 9) and wanted to offer a couple of observations.

Major news, I think, was the appearance before the board of Jerry Maris, a consulting surveyor from Hillsboro who has been retained by the developer to do work to determine the configuration of lots in the proposed Summit development. (Pete Adamson had been listed on the agenda as attending, but it was said he was ill and he did not attend.) Jason Morgan, a geotechnical guy, was also in attendance as part of the developer’s team.

Maris shared with the board – and all the members were there – a document showing “clusters” of the proposed homesites in a more confined area of the 70 acre site. His pitch was that this can help move development away from springs and may allow two or three individual lots to share one drain field or septic system. Maris said he had presented this concept earlier in the day to the county’s chief planner and he represented that she was “on board.” After some questioning from board members, Maris said the individual lots – still 30 or 31 sites – could range in size from 12,000 square feet to two acres. Maris emphasized several times that he was sharing an internal working document that was still a work in progress. He was reminded by the district’s director that since it was presented at a public meeting it was now part of the public record.

The other thing that seemed significant to me was that the district’s attorney, Sarah Smyth McIntosh, gently pressed Maris for an answer about whether the developer(s) would eventually be a bit more public about their plans. Maris responded that they had been “very transparent” with the water district, the county, ODOT, state parks, etc. Sarah said the district was continuing to get many questions about the proposed development and many questions outside their scope of jurisdiction and she made a bit of plea for the developer to address the community interest/concern. Maris said he would deliver the message.

I was afforded the opportunity to ask a couple of questions. No other members of the public attended. I asked about the timeline for a formal submission to Tillamook County. Maris did not offer a real answer other than to say they had hoped to have the various studies they are working on done this month, but that was not going to happen, so as soon as they could they would be making a formal submission. I also asked, I hope respectfully, if the developer was going to “show up in the community?” Maris repeated the “we are being transparent” answer and I said, with all respect, there were lots of questions/concerns/rumors and it would be wise, in my opinion, if the developer found a way sooner rather than later to present the overall concept to the community and stand for questions. He said he would deliver the message.

Latest on Potential Water Issues with New Development

Hello friends. For your information and review: below is a link to the minutes of the most recent area meeting regarding the Summit at Manzanita real estate project. These were sent to me by Kathie Hightower, a resident of our community, who is following the project.

As promised earlier, we will continue to keep you apprised as this situation unfolds, as will the Neahkahnie Water District via your water bills. Stay tuned!

Sarah Johnson, President
Neah-kah-nie Community Club

Click the link below for the meeting minutes:

March 15 meeting Summit at Manzanita project

ALERT: Potential Development Above Our Water Source

SummitManzanita map1Dear Club Members,

The Board of Directors writes to alert you to the recent sale of approximately 180 acres of timberland east of, and adjacent to, highway 101 between Neahkahnie Meadow and Nehalem Road.

There is discussion not only of logging but also development of home sites that would rely on septic fields. The potential impact of this development on our watershed and the livability of our area is obvious.

We know you may have received this information elsewhere, notably from fellow Neahkahnie residents Kathie Hightower and Mark Roberts who are leading efforts to disseminate information in hopes the Water District’s part-time staff is not overwhelmed. (Updates will also be included with water bills.)

The perils of the situation are too serious not to spread the best information we are privy to through multiple channels. We are including here Kathie’s message along with Mark’s reporting from the 14 and 22 February Water District Board meetings… just click on the blue link below Kathie’s message.  (Above you see the very preliminary plotting of the home sites with their septic fields.)

Your Neah-kah-nie Club Board of Directors

From Kathie Hightower:

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:42:59 AM

Subject: Important info about a new development and our water safety in Neahkahnie

This is important information about a new development above 101 that might impact our water safety in Neahkahnie, and could have impact on the whole Manzanita community. We want to do what we can as a Water District and Board, and community, to make sure the development only moves forward if water safety and other concerns are addressed.

There have been two meetings with the Neahkahnie Water District and board, and flurries of emails of concerned citizens trying to make sure of the best way to move forward and to get information out. We’ve consolidated info from the two meetings, had a number of eyes on this to make sure we aren’t spreading rumors/incorrect info. This is a lot of reading, but important, and hoped to answer the questions you might have.

If any of you have additional specific questions, please send them to me ( rather than calling or emailing the Water District. Mark Roberts and I are trying to be the conduit to the Water District and Board so they can focus their time on forward movement and not on fielding a lot of the same questions from many people. Thank you. Kathie Hightower

Read the notes from the two meetings by clicking here.

From the President






Happy New Year!

During the 2016 year, the Board has worked hard to implement the changes necessary to streamline our two annual events, making them more cost-effective and more efficient to put together. Thanks to all of you who embraced the new formats for both the summer Picnic in the Park and the Holiday Mingle ‘n Jingle. I hope you enjoyed them.

Picnic in the Park: The new location at the Meeting House in our Nehalem Bay State Park was easy to set-up and adapted well to our needs. Access was easy, parking was plentiful, the potluck food was (as always) delicious, and the camaraderie was terrific. In addition to the picnic lunch spread, we were grateful to have our NKN neighbors from the Emergency Volunteer Corps join us to review our preparations for the inevitable natural disaster predicted for our coastline. The 2017 picnic will be at the same place on Sunday, August 13. Save the date.

Mingle ‘n Jingle: Our second year at the Pine Grove Community House for our holiday party was another hit! According to all reports, the catered food and drink were outstanding. One guest remarked to me: “I’ve met and enjoyed talking with more people tonight than I’ve ever experienced at a NKN holiday event. It must be the fact that people are just enjoying reconnecting with neighbors.” And also the fact that there’s much more mingling than the former seated dinner format could ever offer. Don’t miss the 2017 party: Saturday, December 9. Save this date, too.

Our key to continuing success is always an expanding and participating membership, which should be the natural result of all the newcomers in our neighborhood. Please invite your new friends and neighbors to join you in Club activities, and steer them to the website: for membership information. We’re open to all full-time and and part-time residents in our area. The only requirement is that members have an interest in the Neahkahnie neighborhood. As always, please call me (503-799-3063) or email (sarahaveryjohnson @ if you have thoughts or questions about the Neah-kah-nie Community Club or if you want to be involved with what we’re doing.

Best wishes for the New Year!
Sarah Johnson, President

PS The Club’s Annual Meeting will take place at our home on Saturday, January 21 at 11am. All members are welcome. Please see the 1/6/17 member email from Secretary Dave Williams for agenda details..

Where does our water come from?


In 1869 U.S. Grant (President) granted 181 acres to John Crawford.  Based on an “Abstract of Title” issued in 1917 and owned by Mrs. John Prentiss it appears that most of the area in Neahkahnie changed ownership 13 times between 1869 and 1912.  In 1906 Sam & Beulah Reed purchased the 181 acres for $6,000 at 7% interest.  Reed started to build a home for his family in 1911 and in 1911 he started to build a hotel and several cottages near the ocean.  He developed Spring #3 to supply these properties.  Both wooden and galvanized pipe brought water to homes as they were built.  Reed also ran 1-1/2″ galvanized pipe to supply the first four homes on Reed Road about one block north of the present day Treasure Rocks Road.  Reed charged no more than $10.00 a year to supply these houses from Spring #3.  After Sam Reed’s death, Mrs. Reed sold a large portion of land in 1945 to Barney Lucas.  Lucas then developed Springs #1 and #2 and upgraded Spring #3 by digging into the hillside about 20 feet and replacing the wooden pipe with perforated asbestos concrete pipe.  The pipe was 6 or 8 feet deep and covered with rock.  Tar paper was placed on top of the rock and then covered with dirt.  The water from the pipe emptied into a metal settling and collection tub.

Barney Lucas formed the Neahkahnie Water Company, an Oregon Corporation.  Lucas later sold the water company to Waldo Bennett some time prior to 1956.  Bennett put in a large 3 foot deep concrete catchment of approximately 65,000 gallons for Spring #1.  This catchment was just west of the 20,000 gallon steel tank reservoir above Highway 101. The steel tank tank was removed in 2005 and replaced with the existing 155,000 gallon reservoir located nearby.  The catchment was used primarily to store water for the old golf course which was located immediately below Highway 101.  The old golf course later became a housing development called Neahkahnie Meadows.  The catchment did not hold water very well and was abandoned and filled with dirt.  Bennett also had a 20,000 gallon concrete reservoir constructed to contain Spring #3.  The reservoir was replaced by a 97,000 gallon reservoir which went into service February 1997.

 The Neahkahnie Water District was formed in 1967 when 25 registered voters signed a notice of incorporation.  Bennett then sold the Neahkahnie Water Company to the district for $20,477.  This included all the land and assets.  Charles Stewart and Scott Hickox each loaned the district $4,000 for a down payment on the purchase.  Stewart, Hickox, Merrill and Windle were the first elected commissioners who served for staggered terms.  In 1967 a water connection cost $50.00 and the monthly residential rate was $2.75 for the first 5,000 gallons, and $0.30 per thousand thereafter.  Since there were no residential water meters this rate system remains somewhat of a mystery.  Charles Stewart served as a commissioner and also as System Operator until he resigned in 1993.

 In May of 1968 the engineering firm of Perely and Associates of Portland was commissioned to do a complete study of the district’s water system.  Perely reported there were 151 paid water connections at that time and the water rate was $3.50 monthly.

(The above information was obtained from documents which are filed in the “NWD History” folder and from the taped report of John Prentiss, an early water commissioner.)


In 2005-2006, the District underwent significant renovations that included replacement of several miles of aging and outdated water mains, construction of a new reservoir (concrete tank) on the mountain, refurbishment of an existing tank in the Lower Zone, updating of all four spring beds to comply with current health and engineering standards, and installation of security fencing where needed. All these improvements were paid for by loans from the state of Oregon Business Department (then Oregon Economic and Community Development Department). These loans total just over 2 million dollars with final payments due in 2034. A monthly System Enhancement Fee of $20 is charged on all accounts in order to repay these loans.


2012 Annual Meeting and Event Calendar

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the annual meeting has been delayed this year.  It will be held on Saturday, June 9th from 7-9PM at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

The agenda for the meeting is shown below:

Annual Meeting Agenda

  • Socializing

  • Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

  • Financial Report

  • Election of new officers

    • Candidates:

      • Treasurer* – Bill Hammer or Tony Johnson

      • Secretary* – Sarah Johnson or Mark Roberts

      • Current Secretary John Isbell will move to President

* Other nominations are welcome. Secret ballot voting will take place at the annual meeting by members attending the meeting.

All members will also be receiving a formal notice of the meeting in the next few days. A quorum of at least 15 members is required to vote on Club officers for next year, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

The dates of Club social events for the rest of the year are shown below, along with a reminder for any members who have not yet paid their membership dues for the current year.

Club Social Events

  • Summer Picnic – August 11, 2012 at Pam Greene’s house – 38150 Reed Road

  • Holiday Party – December 15, 2012 at Pine Grove Community Club

  • Contact Tori Pickerel if you are interested in serving on the Picnic or Holiday event committees.

Club Dues

  • Annual dues are $10 per person, not per couple.

  • Annual dues are due in December for the following year.

  • Any member who has not paid his or her full dues for 2012 is encouraged to mail his or her check to Neahkahnie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita, OR 97130 or pay at the Annual Meeting.

About the Neahkahnie Community Club

The Neahkahnie community Club has been celebrating our community for well over 50 years.

We are a meeting place for all property owners and residents of Neahkahnie. We host an annual summer picnic, a Holiday Party, and periodic meetings to socialize and discuss issues of importance to the Neahkahnie community. We also help maintain two beach access paths in Neahkahnie.

We welcome new members! Our dues are $10 per person, per year. Please click on the Membership Application page on the right to open an online membership application form that can be filled out and mailed in along with your dues.

2011-2012 Officer Nomintations – Update

We now have a volunteer willing to serve as Vice President. Tori Pickerel will be added to the slate of officers presented at the Annual Meeting on May 7th.

In preparation for the Annual Meeting to be held on May 7th, the Executive Committee has nominated a slate of officers for the 2011-2012 term.

Monica Isbell has agreed to serve a 2nd term as President and Bill Pritchard has offered to serve another year as Treasurer.  John Isbell has volunteered to serve as Secretary. Mike Lincicum has agreed to continue to maintain the web site for another year.

We are still in need of someone willing to serve as Vice President. With the current activity schedule of the Club, this person is mainly responsible for filling in for the President, if needed, and generally helping out at Club events. Anyone willing to accept the nomination for Vice President should contact Monica Isbell or send an Email to the Club’s contact address –

Karen Harshbarger will be sending out an Email reminder regarding the Annual Meeting sometime in April.