SAVE THE DATE – August 13th!

Hello Neah-Kah-Nie neighbors!

PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE: Sunday, August 13, Noon to 3 pm………..

for the Season’s biggest event, the………

The Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club 2017 Summer Social at the
Nehalem Bay State Park Meeting Hall

We’ll have the same great neighbors and friends! And the same club-provided and shared dishes! And the same sunny gathering at the State Park Meeting Hall.

The Club Board is working hard again to make it an enjoyable gathering. A detailed invitation with all the particulars and RSVP information will be e-mailed to you in July. It is free for current (2017) members of the Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club. The State Park parking fee, as last year, will be covered.

A membership form with mailing directions is at the bottom of this post for your convenience. If you forgot to renew in January, you can use this form to take care of that now.

And if you have new friends or neighbors who aren’t already members why not invite them to join too?

Any questions? Just email davensue_163 @


The latest Summit Manzanita info, map and NOAP








Dear Neighbors,

The following is a note from Kathie Hightower containing new information on the Summit Manzanita development. It includes notes from Rich Felley, General Manager of the Neahkahnie Water District, and Marc Johnson, a community member.

Dave Williams
Neahkahnie Community Club Secretary

Hi all-

Here’s a note and attached documents from Rich Felley, General Manager of the Neahkahnie Water District, along with notes from Marc Johnson, a community member who attended the budget meeting. Marc Johnson has stepped up to coordinate a community meeting in future, that would be open to not just Neahkahnie residents but others, to look at the wider issues here, i.e. traffic, landslide risks, others, with input from the Oregon Coast Alliance. We’ll send an announcement when we have a date/time/location. Kathie

From Rich Felley:

Here is an update since NWD last board meeting May 9th. The developer, Phil Weber, asked his surveyor to attend as Pete Adamson was unable. Attached is an image of the map Jerry Maris offered at the meeting. I am attaching an updated NOAP of the logging operation which came in on Tuesday.

Our hydrogeologist began work on April 26th. Click the link bl

NOAP for logging for Summit Manzanita


From Marc Johnson:

I attended the Water District board meeting last night (May 9) and wanted to offer a couple of observations.

Major news, I think, was the appearance before the board of Jerry Maris, a consulting surveyor from Hillsboro who has been retained by the developer to do work to determine the configuration of lots in the proposed Summit development. (Pete Adamson had been listed on the agenda as attending, but it was said he was ill and he did not attend.) Jason Morgan, a geotechnical guy, was also in attendance as part of the developer’s team.

Maris shared with the board – and all the members were there – a document showing “clusters” of the proposed homesites in a more confined area of the 70 acre site. His pitch was that this can help move development away from springs and may allow two or three individual lots to share one drain field or septic system. Maris said he had presented this concept earlier in the day to the county’s chief planner and he represented that she was “on board.” After some questioning from board members, Maris said the individual lots – still 30 or 31 sites – could range in size from 12,000 square feet to two acres. Maris emphasized several times that he was sharing an internal working document that was still a work in progress. He was reminded by the district’s director that since it was presented at a public meeting it was now part of the public record.

The other thing that seemed significant to me was that the district’s attorney, Sarah Smyth McIntosh, gently pressed Maris for an answer about whether the developer(s) would eventually be a bit more public about their plans. Maris responded that they had been “very transparent” with the water district, the county, ODOT, state parks, etc. Sarah said the district was continuing to get many questions about the proposed development and many questions outside their scope of jurisdiction and she made a bit of plea for the developer to address the community interest/concern. Maris said he would deliver the message.

I was afforded the opportunity to ask a couple of questions. No other members of the public attended. I asked about the timeline for a formal submission to Tillamook County. Maris did not offer a real answer other than to say they had hoped to have the various studies they are working on done this month, but that was not going to happen, so as soon as they could they would be making a formal submission. I also asked, I hope respectfully, if the developer was going to “show up in the community?” Maris repeated the “we are being transparent” answer and I said, with all respect, there were lots of questions/concerns/rumors and it would be wise, in my opinion, if the developer found a way sooner rather than later to present the overall concept to the community and stand for questions. He said he would deliver the message.

Latest on Potential Water Issues with New Development

Hello friends. For your information and review: below is a link to the minutes of the most recent area meeting regarding the Summit at Manzanita real estate project. These were sent to me by Kathie Hightower, a resident of our community, who is following the project.

As promised earlier, we will continue to keep you apprised as this situation unfolds, as will the Neahkahnie Water District via your water bills. Stay tuned!

Sarah Johnson, President
Neah-kah-nie Community Club

Click the link below for the meeting minutes:

March 15 meeting Summit at Manzanita project

ALERT: Potential Development Above Our Water Source

SummitManzanita map1Dear Club Members,

The Board of Directors writes to alert you to the recent sale of approximately 180 acres of timberland east of, and adjacent to, highway 101 between Neahkahnie Meadow and Nehalem Road.

There is discussion not only of logging but also development of home sites that would rely on septic fields. The potential impact of this development on our watershed and the livability of our area is obvious.

We know you may have received this information elsewhere, notably from fellow Neahkahnie residents Kathie Hightower and Mark Roberts who are leading efforts to disseminate information in hopes the Water District’s part-time staff is not overwhelmed. (Updates will also be included with water bills.)

The perils of the situation are too serious not to spread the best information we are privy to through multiple channels. We are including here Kathie’s message along with Mark’s reporting from the 14 and 22 February Water District Board meetings… just click on the blue link below Kathie’s message.  (Above you see the very preliminary plotting of the home sites with their septic fields.)

Your Neah-kah-nie Club Board of Directors

From Kathie Hightower:

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:42:59 AM

Subject: Important info about a new development and our water safety in Neahkahnie

This is important information about a new development above 101 that might impact our water safety in Neahkahnie, and could have impact on the whole Manzanita community. We want to do what we can as a Water District and Board, and community, to make sure the development only moves forward if water safety and other concerns are addressed.

There have been two meetings with the Neahkahnie Water District and board, and flurries of emails of concerned citizens trying to make sure of the best way to move forward and to get information out. We’ve consolidated info from the two meetings, had a number of eyes on this to make sure we aren’t spreading rumors/incorrect info. This is a lot of reading, but important, and hoped to answer the questions you might have.

If any of you have additional specific questions, please send them to me ( rather than calling or emailing the Water District. Mark Roberts and I are trying to be the conduit to the Water District and Board so they can focus their time on forward movement and not on fielding a lot of the same questions from many people. Thank you. Kathie Hightower

Read the notes from the two meetings by clicking here.

2014 Annual Meeting

The Neahkahnie Community Club’s annual meeting for 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, January 11, 2014, 11a.m. at the home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 Second Street in Neahkahnie.

The agenda includes: Review of 2013 club activities; Finance report for 2013; Nominating Committee report*; Nominations from the floor; Election of 2014 Executive Committee.

* Proposed slate for 2014 Executive Committee for 2014: President Tori Pickerel, Vice-President Loraine Carlson, Secretary Sarah Johnson, Treasurer Tony Johnson, Ad Hoc Member Matt Gray.

2013 Annual Picnic

President Tori Pickerel and Pam Greene


The annual picnic was a great success again this year.  It was hosted, as usual, by Pam Greene and Hans Kretchmer.  There was a great turn out, and the weather was cooperative. It was great to see so many long-time members, along with many new faces, including families with children.

A great turn out

To see more photos click on the Photo Album link on the right.



Annual Picnic Information







Home and garden of Hans Kretschmer and Pam Greene


38150 Reed Road, Neahkahnie


Date: Saturday, August 10


Time: 12 noon to 3 pm



NCC will provide sandwiches, drinks, plates, napkins, cutlery, etc.



Please bring a dish to share with your neighbors, as follows:


Last Name: A-O (salads)*


Last Name: P-Z (desserts)*



*With an eye toward a typical warm afternoon: please do not bring anything that melts!!  Freezer/refrigeration is not available.



Annual membership dues entitle all current members of the Neahkahnie Community Club to attend this event free of charge. Guests accompanying members are always welcome. Picnic admission for guests is $5/person.



If you are not yet a current member, it’s not too late to pay your 2013 dues. A membership form is attached to this email. You may also pay your dues ($10/person) at the picnic.



Food for thought:  To avoid raising annual dues this year, the Club’s Board has decided to seek voluntary contributions from event participants. We promise not to pass any hats, but there will be a contributions jar at the picnic.



See you on August 10.  Parking is limited and carpooling is advised. If you are in need of transportation, please let me know when you make your reservation. 





(email) (or phone) 503-799-3063



2013 Annual Meeting Minutes



2012 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club


10am, Saturday, June 1, 2013


Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 2nd Street, Neahkahnie



The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President John Isbell. Those in attendance constituted the required quorum: Phyllis Brownlee, Bill and Karen Harshberger, Bill and Carol Pritchard, Bill Hammer, Tori Pickerel, Ann Morgan, John and Monica Isbell, Sue and Dave Williams, John and Carol Steele, Tony and Sarah Johnson, John Hanby and Karen Martin.



PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS John Isbell spoke briefly about the work of the Board over the course of the year.



MINUTES OF PRIOR ANNUAL MEETING The minutes of the prior Annual Meeting (held in May, 2012) were reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as presented.



REPORT: SOCIAL EVENTS Tori Pickerell reviewed the two social events of the prior year: the August picnic, held in Pam Greenes’s yard and home, and the Holiday Party in December, held for the first time at the North Coast Recreation District’s gym. She expressed appreciation about the willingness of people to help set up, decorate, and then clean up afterwards. There was consensus that both events were highly successful. In preliminary discussion about things to improve, there was a specific concern about lack of satisfactory exterior lighting at NCRD. More generally, there was expressed interest reaching out newcomers in the community to involve them in the events.



REPORT: NOMINATING: John Isbell reviewed the nominations for new officers: President Tori Pickerel, Vice President Loraine Carlson, Secretary Sarah Johnson, Treasurer Tony Johnson. He called for further nominations from the floor. There were none. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the slate of officers as presented.



REPORT: FINANCES Tony Johnson reviewed the 2012 year-end financial report. He pointed out that the Club may be headed on a non-sustainable financial path, and presented a financial analysis of the Holiday Dinner Party, which is the primary source of the shortfall. He reviewed two corrective options that had been examined by the Board, both of which involved an increase in ticket costs. He pointed out that the Board had earlier reviewed the options and agreed to recommend to the membership that an increase to $30 per ticket was a fair increase. The members in attendance informally agreed with the Board’s recommendation. It was also suggested that another option for raising additional funds would be a $5 admission fee for the summer picnic. Finally, it was suggested that we should ask for donations at both events.






It was agreed that the website may need some refreshing. Tony will contact Mike Lincicumabout the current status of the website.



Sarah Johnson confirmed that an invitation to new members would be included in the next water bill. It was suggested that local phone numbers of several members be included in that announcement. Ann Morgan and John/Carol Steele offered to add their names as contacts about the club.



The question of Club maintenance of local beach paths was raised. Although the Club supported restructuring of some paths in the past, the funds had come from direct donations, not from operating funds. It was noted that there some concern about liability if the Club were to assume maintenance responsibilities. Homeowners along the paths are encouraged to maintain them vountarily.



Tori Pickerel asked if the membership would agree with the idea of raising additional funds through a $5/person admission fee at the summer picnic. It was informally agreed that this would be appropriate, but there was also the strong encouragement to actively solicit cash contributions



Tori Pickerel presented John with a bottle of wine in thanks for his leadership of the Board over the last year.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.



Respectfully submitted, Sarah Johnson, Secretary