Nomination of Officers for 2010 – 2011

We have now had two members step up with offers to serve as President and Treasurer.  So, with this news, we know that the future of the organization is assured for at least another year.  The following slate of officers will be presented for election at the annual meeting on May 8th.  Nominations from the floor will also be in order if there are others interested in serving.

  • President – Monica Isbell
  • Vice President / Webmaster – Mike Lincicum
  • Secretary – Karen Harshbarger
  • Treasurer – Bill Pritchard

A big thanks to Monica and Bill for their willingness to take on these responsibilities and also to Karen for agreeing to serve a second term as Secretary.

Annunal Meeting Notice

The annual meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club will be held at 7:00 PM, Saturday May 8, 2010 at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

The primary purpose of this meeting will be to elect officers for the next year. Karen Harshbarger has agreed to serve one more term as Secretary and Mike Lincicum has offered to serve one term as Vice-President / Webmaster. The current officers, acting as a nominating committee, have contacted a number of members seeking volunteers to serve as President and Treasurer for the next year. At this time, there are no members who are willing to accept these two positions.

The Club cannot legally function without officers. If there are no members willing to serve as President and Treasurer by the time of the Annual Meeting, then there will be no alternative except to entertain a motion to disband the Club at that meeting.

Since we are a registered non-profit corporation in the State of Oregon, there are legal requirements which must be followed in order to dissolve the corporation. This includes disposing of the Club’s assets and filing the necessary paperwork with the State Corporation Division. The current officers would be responsible for taking these steps.

Accordingly, the following agenda is proposed for the meeting.

– Minutes of previous meeting
– Treasurer’s Report
– New Business
– Election of officers (if willing members are present)
– Motion to disband the organization (if officers cannot be elected)
– Motion to dispose of the Club’s assets (if vote to disband passes)
– Other items from the floor

Coffee, tea, and cookies will be available at the meeting.