Save the Date – 2014 Club Holiday Party!

Hello Neahkahnie neighbors.  Like it or not, once the calendar reaches October, the holiday season is not far behind.  We’ve had inquiries about the date of the Neahkahnie Community Club’s holiday dinner party…

Please be sure that you’ve marked SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 for this annual event. Club members will receive party details and reservation information by email later this month, and it will also be posted here on the website. For now, just remember to SAVE THE DATE.  (If you are willing to volunteer to help with this event,  please contact Loraine Carlson at 301-217-0815.)

Over 100 for the picnic! and Heather’s gluten-free cookie recipe

102 existing and new Club members attended this summer’s picnic! A beautiful day welcomed all to Pam Greene and Hans Kretschmer’s beautiful home overlooking the beach. We had a terrific bunch of volunteers this year for which the Board was most grateful. Thanks also to Anne Morgan for a thorough report on the community meeting about the July fire below Reed Road and follow-up actions.

On top of a big crowd and lots of reconnecting with neighbors, the Club’s food was supplemented by a true bounty of homemade dishes and desserts from members. One popular treat was Heather Shuford’s (you can’t believe they’re) gluten-free peanut butter cookies… she was kind enough to share the recipe with Board VP Loraine Carlson for publication here:

Heather’s Amazing Peanut Butter, Pecan & Oatmeal
Chocolate Chip Cookies!! (Gluten Free)

1 whole jar Adams Crunchy Old Fashioned Peanut Butter (2 cups)
3/4 cup softened Tillamook butter (1 & 1/2 cubes)
1 cup sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar, packed
3 large fresh organic eggs
1 teaspoon Real Vanilla
3 cups Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats – Bob’s Red Mill is best
1 & 1/2 cups whole pecans, cut in 1/2 longways
2 teaspoons Baking Soda
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1 package Ghirardelli Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Beat peanut butter, butter & sugars with electric mixer till smooth. Add eggs one at a time and vanilla. Stir oats, soda and salt together and add to mix. Stir in nuts and chips. Put in covered bowl – refrigerate overnight, a must for best results!
Preheat oven to 350*. Drop rounded tablespoons of dough onto cookie sheets sprayed with Pam, or use cookie sheet liners (I like these!).
Bake 11 minutes or until edges are brown. Cool on sheets a couple minutes – remove to wire racks.
Yield: 4 dozen amazing cookies! Excellent crowd pleaser! Freeze well!
By Heather Shuford ~ 2014 ~ Neahkahnie, Oregon