It’s time to Jingle ‘n Mingle!

Announcing ….. the 2015 Jingle ‘n Mingle!

Celebrate the holidays with the Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club

We’re serving: tasty nibbles, classy hors d’oeuvres, yummy pupu, savory treats and (of course) seasonal cookies. Catering provided by our favorite local purveyors of good food: San Dune Pub, Little Apple, Bread and Ocean, North Fork 53, Bay Barista Bakery and Handy Creek Bakery.

We’re pouring: premium French wines, Seaside Brewing Company beer, classic mixed drinks, soft drinks, coffee and tea.

MEMBER/GUEST RESERVATIONS: $30/person ($60/couple)

Check your inbox for an email from Sarah Avery Johnson that includes the RSVP form. In addition to making your party reservation(s), please also use this form to indicate your interest in volunteering to help with this party and/or also participating with the Neahkahnie Community Club Board for the next year. Simply print out the form, fill in the requested information, and mail it with your check to Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita, Oregon 97130. Deadline is December 4.

As always, if you have questions, please call Sarah (503-799-063) or email

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 12th at the Pine Grove

If Halloween is this weekend, then it follows that the 2015 holidays are not far away. We think you’ll be pleased with our redesign of the annual Neahkahnie Community Club’s ever-popular December gathering. We’re not sure yet just what to call it. Will it be a shindig… or a bash? Or maybe a cocktail happening or a festive get-together? How about a soiree? Really, it’s just general seasonal merrymaking with friends and neighbors at the Pine Grove Club …….

We’ll give it a name and send you details, including how to RSVP, next month. In the meantime, make sure you’ve reserved the evening of December 12 for the Neahkahnie Community Club.

Response to Last Summer’s Fire Continues

Hoping to avoid a repeat of the July 7, 2014 fire that damaged several Neahkahnie homes, Oregon Department of Forestry crews continue to gather driftwood from the beach for controlled burns. It is believed that a bonfire started by Fourth of July revelers smoldered for several days before erupting in driftwood logs and up a beach embankment.  Eight months later at least one home’s repairs continue along with efforts to stabilize the hillside below.  These March 11, 2015 photos courtesy of Tori Pickerel and Anne Morgan.BURN8 BURN2BURN10  BURN3BURN4

Annual Meeting and 2015 Event Dates

All members are invited to attend the NeahKahNie Community Club Annual Meeting, set for Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 11am at the home of Sarah and Tony Johnson, 27395 Second Street in NeahKahNie. Agenda items include a year-end financial report, review of 2014 events, ideas for the coming year and election of officers.


Summer Picnic: Saturday, August 8th at noon, location TBA

Holiday Party: Saturday evening, December 12th, location TBA

Year-End Letter from the President

December 31, 2014

Dear NeahKahNie Neighbors and Friends:

As the year comes to a close, I’d like to say what a wonderful neighborhood we live in. Full time or part-time, we all enjoy our little part of the coast to its fullest. Thanks to my fellow board members and all volunteers who have gladly agreed throughout the year to tote tables, shake rugs, set-up trees, cut sandwiches, make salads,  tend bar, haul everything that needed hauling, sort recycling, buy booze, fluff tablecloths, clean up and push brooms, all the while being kind hearted and generous with time and energy. Thanks to all of you who have showed-up (expected and unexpected) to assist. Our events could not have succeeded without your help.

We find ourselves in wonderful shape as an organization. The books continue to balance and our membership list continues to grow. We have welcomed new-comers and renewed longtime friendships this year, and it’s been done with style and grace. It is a heartwarming feeling to know we are growing in numbers and in fellowship.

I am honored to serve as your President, and my fellow board members share my enthusiasm. What a pleasure it is to be involved with such a positive organization. The success of our Summer Picnic and our Winter Holiday Party is because of your membership support. In 2015, please continue to participate with the Club, and remember…if you have an idea you’d like to share, a comment you’d like to make or an offer to volunteer, I can be reached at or my local phone: (503) 368-4055.

As we look forward a new year: please pay your 2015 dues promptly, put the dates of the gatherings on your calendar, and enjoy your fellow “Neah-Kah-Nie-ites” in our little part of life on the best part of the Oregon Coast.

Tori L Pickerel – President – 2014