Better late than never, the minutes from the Annual Meeting in May are below:
NeahKahNie Community Club
Minutes of the 2012 Annual Meeting
June 9, 2012
Meeting was called to order by Monica Isbell, President at 7:15pm
Attendees: There were 18 people, including all four Board members.
2011 Meeting Minutes: Secretary John Isbell read highlights from the 2011 Annual meeting minutes. Those minutes which had been posts on the Club’s website were unanimously approved.
Recap of 2011 Social Events: Monica stated 68 members attended the summer picnic party and 91 members attended the holiday party. Given the large turnout at the holiday party, Monica mentioned that the Board looked into having the 2012 party at North Coast Recreation District (NCRD) in order to provide more space. After considering all the challenges of having the party at NCRD, the Board decided to hold the party at Pine Grove Club in 2012. Comments were solicited from the audience concerning the Board’s decision. People said they liked the food and suggested maybe two bar locations in order to avoid overcrowding at the “water hole.”
Financial Report: Treasurer Bill Pritchard handed out the profit and loss statement for 2012 which showed an ending cash balance for revenue and expenses of $1,864.04. The Club also has $3,121.43 in CDs and interest for a total ending cash position of $4,985.47. He then handled out the profit and loss statement for first quarter 2012 showing an ending cash position of $5,000.33. Finally, Bill handed out the annual budget for 2012 showing an ending cash balance of $4,117.00. The 2012 budget contains a line item for $600.00 to cover getting the Club’s non-profit status re-instated by the I.R.S. The Club was notified that on May 15, 2012, the I.R.S. revoked the Club’s non-profit status because the Club had not filed appropriate tax returns for the past three years. After connecting numerous people, the Board decided to hire Bill’s personal CPA, Mr. Bob Prill of Hoffman, Stewart & Schmidt, P.C. Bob does a lot of tax work for non-profit organizations so he is well-suited to handle our re-instatement.
Bill has agreed to continue handling this tax item until it’s resolved. As a result the Board made Bill the Club’s Government Relations Chairperson until the tax item is resolved. While this does not require members’ approval, everyone at the meeting supported the Board’s decision.
Bill reminded everyone that annual dues, which are invoiced in the fall with the holiday party event letter, are $10 per person. Anyone who has not paid his/her 2011 dues are encouraged to do so.
2012 Social Events: Vice President Tori Pickerel said the summer picnic at Pam Greene’s house will be August 11th and the holiday party at Pine Grove Club will be December 15th. Tori encouraged members to mark their calendars and let Tori know by email if they wish to volunteer on the organizing committee for either one or both events.
Board Positions: The members unanimously approved John Isbell as President, Tony Johnson as Treasurer, and Sarah Johnson as Secretary. Mike Lincicum will continue as the Club’s webmaster. The members thanked Monica Isbell and Bill Pritchard for their hard work as President and Treasurer for the past two years.
New Business:
Emergency Volunteers: Karen Harshbarger announced the new tsunami map is posted at the new fire station on Hwy 101. Emergency Captains will soon be passing out a new tsunami preparedness brochure. There are two websites members can visit for more information: and
Adjournment: The 2012 Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 pm for coffee, tea, homemade baked goods and socializing.