Annual Meeting Notice


Notice of Annual Meeting



10 am, Saturday, June 1, 2013


Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 Second Street, Neahkahnie



Please take a few minutes to attend this meeting, have a cup of coffee and participate in the decision-making that allows our Club to continue to serve for the enjoyment of all who live in the Neahkahnie community.







Review and approve minutes from 2012 (see attached)



2012 Financial report



Review of the 2012 social events and details of the 2013 summer picnic (August 10) and holiday dinner party (December 14.)



Nominations of new officers. Our By-Laws require that a proposed slate of officers be presented at the Annual Meeting, after which nominations are accepted from the floor. The By-Laws further state that an officer may be re-elected to an office for no more than one additional year. The outgoing president (John Isbell) will remain on the Board for one year. The nominations for 2013 are as follows:



  • President: Tori Pickerel. Tori has previously served two years as Vice-President.

  • Vice-President: Loraine Carlson. Loraine is new to the Board.

  • Secretary: Sarah Johnson. Sarah has served one year as Secretary,

  • Treasurer: Tony Johnson. Tony has served one year as Treasurer.



Other business for the Club?






2012 Annual Meeting and Event Calendar

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the annual meeting has been delayed this year.  It will be held on Saturday, June 9th from 7-9PM at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.

The agenda for the meeting is shown below:

Annual Meeting Agenda

  • Socializing

  • Approval of 2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

  • Financial Report

  • Election of new officers

    • Candidates:

      • Treasurer* – Bill Hammer or Tony Johnson

      • Secretary* – Sarah Johnson or Mark Roberts

      • Current Secretary John Isbell will move to President

* Other nominations are welcome. Secret ballot voting will take place at the annual meeting by members attending the meeting.

All members will also be receiving a formal notice of the meeting in the next few days. A quorum of at least 15 members is required to vote on Club officers for next year, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

The dates of Club social events for the rest of the year are shown below, along with a reminder for any members who have not yet paid their membership dues for the current year.

Club Social Events

  • Summer Picnic – August 11, 2012 at Pam Greene’s house – 38150 Reed Road

  • Holiday Party – December 15, 2012 at Pine Grove Community Club

  • Contact Tori Pickerel if you are interested in serving on the Picnic or Holiday event committees.

Club Dues

  • Annual dues are $10 per person, not per couple.

  • Annual dues are due in December for the following year.

  • Any member who has not paid his or her full dues for 2012 is encouraged to mail his or her check to Neahkahnie Community Club, PO Box 412, Manzanita, OR 97130 or pay at the Annual Meeting.

2011-2012 Officer Nomintations – Update

We now have a volunteer willing to serve as Vice President. Tori Pickerel will be added to the slate of officers presented at the Annual Meeting on May 7th.

In preparation for the Annual Meeting to be held on May 7th, the Executive Committee has nominated a slate of officers for the 2011-2012 term.

Monica Isbell has agreed to serve a 2nd term as President and Bill Pritchard has offered to serve another year as Treasurer.  John Isbell has volunteered to serve as Secretary. Mike Lincicum has agreed to continue to maintain the web site for another year.

We are still in need of someone willing to serve as Vice President. With the current activity schedule of the Club, this person is mainly responsible for filling in for the President, if needed, and generally helping out at Club events. Anyone willing to accept the nomination for Vice President should contact Monica Isbell or send an Email to the Club’s contact address –

Karen Harshbarger will be sending out an Email reminder regarding the Annual Meeting sometime in April.

2011 Event Dates – Mark Your Calendar

The Club’s Executive Committee has set the dates for our regular events for 2011.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Pine Grove Community House. We will elect new officers for the next year at this meeting, so if you are willing to serve as an officer for the 2011-2012 year, please contact one of the Club officers or send an Email using the contact form in the right hand side bar.


The annual picnic will again be held at Pam Greene’s home on Reed Road.  The date is Saturday, August 13th, 2011 from noon to 3:00 PM. We have checked to make sure that we don’t have a conflict with the Muttzanita event this year.

Holiday Party

The Holiday party is scheduled for 6:00 PM Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011 at the Pine Grove Community House. We have checked the football schedule to make sure that we will not have a conflict with the OSU vs. UO Civil War game this year.  It is scheduled for Nov. 26th.

More information on these events will be posted here and sent out by Email prior to the actual events.

2010 Holiday Party

The annual Neahkahnie Community Club Holiday Party will be held on the evening of December 4th at the Pine Grove Community House.  Invitations for the event will be going out in the mail shortly.  This mailing will also include a request for renewal dues for the 2011 year.

This year the Executive Committee has decided to try something different for the Party. Instead of asking members to bring food, the event will feature a buffet dinner catered by Marcie at the Big Wave Cafe.  She will provide turkey, ham, a variety of traditional and unique salads and side dishes, bread, coffee, tea, and desserts.  She will also provide all of the place settings and staff to serve food, and will clean up all of the dishes, etc. after the dinner.  The Club will provide the drinks and our own glassware, as usual. The cost of the catered dinner will be $20 per person, with the Club subsidizing $5 per person. Members will be asked to pay $15 each for themselves and any guests they invite.

We hope that this experiment will be well received by our members, who will not have to worry about preparing food during the busy holiday season, and will be able to enjoy a top quality meal at our biggest event of the year.

2010 Neahkahnie Community Club Picnic

NCC Members at the 2010 Picnic

We had a great turn-out of members and guests for the annual NCC Picnic on Saturday, Aug. 14th.  Once again, Pam Greene hosted the picnic at her home on Reed Road.  The weather was a little foggy, but that was OK after the 90 degree temperatures the day before. The group enjoyed good food, drinks, and plenty of conversation.  We also had a brief report on the upgrade that was done on the Reed Road beach path and the problems facing any upgrade of the path on 1st Street.  There are more pictures for viewing by clicking the Photo Album link under “pages” on the right.

Nomination of Officers for 2010 – 2011

We have now had two members step up with offers to serve as President and Treasurer.  So, with this news, we know that the future of the organization is assured for at least another year.  The following slate of officers will be presented for election at the annual meeting on May 8th.  Nominations from the floor will also be in order if there are others interested in serving.

  • President – Monica Isbell
  • Vice President / Webmaster – Mike Lincicum
  • Secretary – Karen Harshbarger
  • Treasurer – Bill Pritchard

A big thanks to Monica and Bill for their willingness to take on these responsibilities and also to Karen for agreeing to serve a second term as Secretary.

Mark Your Calendar

It’s time to mark your calendar for the next upcoming NCC events.

The Annual Meeting will be held at the Pine Grove Community House at 7:00 PM on Saturday, May 8, 2010.  This is our only formal meeting of the year, and the only item currently on the agenda is the election of new officers. The current officers have already met as a nominating committee, and they will be contacting some members to see if they are willing to serve as President and Treasurer.  Karen Harshbarger has agreed to serve one more term as Secretary and Mike Lincicum has agreed to serve as Vice President / Webmaster for the next year.

We will provide coffee and dessert at the Annual Meeting again this year. If there are other issues that members would like for the officers to add to the agenda, please use the contact form on the right sidebar or add a comment to this post.

We have also set the date for the Annual Picnic for 2010.  Pam Greene has once again generously offered the use of her house for the picnic.  The event will be held from noon until 3:00 PM, on Saturday, August 14th. There will be more information coming and a request for RSVP’s when the event gets closer.

Annual Holiday Party – Update

The Neahkahnie Community Club Holiday Party was a great success again this year.  We had wonderful weather and a good turnout of members. Thanks to Tom and Betty Mock, the decorations at the Pine Grove Community Center were impressive.  Lynn Eisenhauer played the piano and sang holiday music throughout the evening, and the food and desserts provided by the members were a real treat. We collected food and money for the local food bank, and members showed their generosity to help those in need.

There are more pictures from the party available for viewing in the Photo Album link under “pages”on the right side-bar.

2009 Annual Picnic – Update #2

The annual Neahkahnie Community Club picnic was a fine success.  We again wish to thank Pam Greene for her generosity in hosting this event at her home for the last three years.  She has already offered to host the picnic again next year.

There was a great turnout of more than 80 members and guests despite the unsettled weather.  While we did have a little mist, it certainly didn’t keep everyone from having a good time.  In addition to being our host, Pam also was the official photographer for the event.  A new club Photo Album page has been set up where you can see Pam’s photos from the picnic as well as more photos from the 4th of July Parade. Just click on the Photo Album link under the “pages” sidebar on the right.

Our two Vice Presidents Kay Covert and Kathleen Ryan, and our Secretary Karen Harshbarger did an outstanding job of coordinating the event and getting the word out to insure that we had great participation.