NCC in the Manzanita 4th of July Parade

A big thanks to Lyn Eisenhauer and her friends for making the Neahkahnie Community Club’s participation in the Manzanita 4th of July Parade a big success.  We had Lyn’s VW convertible, complete with bubble machines and patriotic decorations.  The Lincicum family and their dogs passed out candy and dog biscuits along the route behind the new Neahkahnie Club banner.    We hope that this will be the first of many years for our Club to participate in the parade, and hopefully next year we will have even more people marching.

Community Outreach

One of the topics that was discussed at the May 2nd meeting was how to reach out to members of the Neahkahnie community who are not currently members of the Community Club.

The Executive Committee has already taken several steps to do this.  Kay and Walt Covert included a link to the Club’s new web site in their mailing to all property owners earlier this year. We also included a flyer inviting Neahkahnie property owners to check out the club with the Neahkahnie Water District bills that went out at the end of April. In addtion, we have gotten the Club listed under “Community Organizations” on the web site. So far, these efforts have resulted in numerous “hits” on the web site and a few new members.

As was discussed at the meeting, the best way to reach out to other members of our community is through direct face-to-face contact.  If you have a neighbor who is new to the community or who does not currently belong to the Club you can let them know what we do and invite them to join.  As a way to help with this, a link to a color version of the membership invitation flyer that was sent out with the water bills is included below.  A copy is also available under the “pages” section on the right.  Feel free to download and print copies of this invitation and give one to community members who may be interested in the Club.

Membership Invitation Flyer

May 2, 2009 Meeting

A meeting of tne Neahkahnie Community Club was held on May 2, 2009.  The meeting was well attended and we had a lively discussion of the proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws.

The proposed amendments were approved with a few minor changes offered by members at the meeting.  A copy of the new Constitution and By-Laws is now available for viewing and download under the “pages” heading on the right. Under the revised By-Laws this was the only scheduled business meeting for the year.  The next business meeting will be the Annual Meeting to be held in May 2010.  If there is a need to take action that cannot be handled by the Executive Committee before then, the revised By-Laws allow the Executive Committee to schedule a special meeting.

Members attending the meeting enjoyed a post-meeting dessert of pies provided by the Club from the Nehalem Bay Pie Company.  A few lucky members also took home the plants that were used as decorations on each table as door prizes.

A couple of pictures of members enjoying pie and conversation are below.

Left click on each image to see a larger view.

Proposed By-Law Amendments

The new officers met on February 7th and agreed on proposed amendments to the Neahkahnie Community Club Constitution and By-Laws to be voted on at the May 2009 meeting.  These proposed amendments are intended to reflect the direction received at the November 2008 meeting to hold fewer meetings and place greater emphasis on our two annual social events.

The amendments eliminate the requirement to hold quarterly meetings and provide for an annual meeting to be held on the first Saturday in May. This will avoid any conflict with the Mother’s Day holiday weekend. The proposed amendments provide for the election of officers at this Annual Meeting in May rather than in November, as currently required.  The proposal includes flexibility for the Executive Committee to call Special meetings, if needed, based on input from members or at the discretion of the Committee.

Since the current officers were elected in November of 2008, they have all agreed to serve an extra six months so that the next election of new officers would be held in May 2010.  At that time the terms of the officers would be in sync with the new cycle of Annual Meetings.

The other minor change in the proposal is to clarify the language regarding inclusion of family members and guests at our two social events to correspond with our current practice.  The Holiday Party would continue to be an adults only event.

Click on the link below to open a PDF document to view the proposed amendments.

Proposed By-Law Amendments

If you don’t have Adobe Reader click the link below to download it.

Get Adobe Reader

If you have comments or suggestions for other changes, please post a comment below. This will allow other members and the officers to view the comments prior to the May meeting.

Neahkahnie Community Club – Future Directions

The last meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club included a discussion and member feedback on the future of the organization.  Recently, it has been difficult for many members to attend the quarterly meetings due to conflicts or the evening meeting schedule. Since a majority of our current members do not live in Neahkahnie year-round, this also makes attendance at quarterly meetings difficult. The options considered at the November meeting were: continue to operate the way we always have; change the way we do business; or disband the orgainization.

The overwhelming consensus of the members attending the meeting was that the Club should continue, but make some significant changes in our activities. The most important change that was agreed on was to  place greater emphasis on the annual picnic and Holiday Party and to hold fewer regular meetings. The new officers that were elected to serve in 2009 will be working to make recommendations to the membership on how the Club’s activities should change beginning in the next year.

One way to further the Club’s mission of sharing information of interest to community members in a way other than quarterly meetings is to utilize the resources of the Internet. Many of the current members already utilize Email and have access to the Internet.  This web site is an example of one way that we might do that. It could provide a forum for the Club’s officers to share community information of interest with members and a way for members to provide feedback to the officers and other members. This could be particularly useful for the many members who are not full time residents of Neahkahnie. One example of such information would be a discussion of the new consolidated fire district that was approved in the November election. We hope to have that information available soon.

In the future this web site could provide a place for members to share photos or community news.  Since many of our members like to travel, the site could also be used as a way for Neahkahnie community members to share news and photos from their recent travels.

This is a work in progress, and we welcome suggestions and feedback on whether it is of value and how it might be improved.  Please click on the comments area below to let us know what you think.

Snow in Neahkahnie

We have had an unusual winter so far this this year in Neahkahnie with plenty of snow and cold weather.  One of our members, Linda Cook shared the pictures below.  If other members have good snow pictures from this winter, feel free to Email them to and they will be added to this page.

2009 Meeting Schedule

The new officers have made the decision to cancel the meeting which was scheduled for Saturday, February 7th.  This is consistent with the direction received from members at the November meeting to hold fewer meetings and focus more on the annual picnic and Holiday Party.

The officers will be getting together in February to work on proposed changes to the Club’s by-laws and to explore ideas for the future direction of the organization.  We hope to have proposed by-law amendments and ideas for changes in the Club’s activities ready to present for a discussion and vote at the May meeting.  This meeting has been rescheduled from the 2nd Saturday in May to Saturday, May 2nd to avoid a conflict with the Mothers Day holiday weekend.

We will be using the web site to preview ideas for change and solicit comments and suggestions from the members.  Please check the web site in the coming months for news and use the comments section to share your ideas for the future of the Neahkahnie Community Club.

You can subscribe to a RSS feed to the web site by clicking on the “RSS Feed” link at the top right of the web page.  This will allow you to receive a message on your Google homepage, Yahoo homepage, or other RSS feed provider of your choice whenever there is new information available on the web site.

New Fire District for Neahkahnie

Below is a link to a news article from the Tillamook Headlight-Herald discussing the new fire district that was approved for our area in the November election.  One of our members, John Steele, is on the Board of the new district.  He will be keeping us informed on what is happening as the new fire district moves ahead over the next few months.

News article on new fire district