The new officers met on February 7th and agreed on proposed amendments to the Neahkahnie Community Club Constitution and By-Laws to be voted on at the May 2009 meeting. These proposed amendments are intended to reflect the direction received at the November 2008 meeting to hold fewer meetings and place greater emphasis on our two annual social events.
The amendments eliminate the requirement to hold quarterly meetings and provide for an annual meeting to be held on the first Saturday in May. This will avoid any conflict with the Mother’s Day holiday weekend. The proposed amendments provide for the election of officers at this Annual Meeting in May rather than in November, as currently required. The proposal includes flexibility for the Executive Committee to call Special meetings, if needed, based on input from members or at the discretion of the Committee.
Since the current officers were elected in November of 2008, they have all agreed to serve an extra six months so that the next election of new officers would be held in May 2010. At that time the terms of the officers would be in sync with the new cycle of Annual Meetings.
The other minor change in the proposal is to clarify the language regarding inclusion of family members and guests at our two social events to correspond with our current practice. The Holiday Party would continue to be an adults only event.
Click on the link below to open a PDF document to view the proposed amendments.
If you don’t have Adobe Reader click the link below to download it.
If you have comments or suggestions for other changes, please post a comment below. This will allow other members and the officers to view the comments prior to the May meeting.