Neighborhood Emergency Planning

Two of our members, Mike and Linda Cook, are Block Captains in the Neighborhood Emergency Planning program.  This program provides information and assistance to our area in the event of a major disaster such as an earthquake or a tsunami.  They have suggested that critical emergency planning information be included on our web site. Several of our other members also serve as Block Captains in the program.

A new page with links to three emergency planning documents has been added to the web site.  Please click on Neighborhood Emergency Planning under the “pages” heading on the right sidebar to access this information.

A link to the new Nehalem Bay Neighborhood Emergency Planning web page has also been added under “neahkahnie links” on the right sidebar. This web page provides comprehensive information regarding disaster planning for the Manzanita / Neahkahnie communities.

May Meeting

This meeting will provide an opportunity to further discuss the future direction of the Neahkahnie Communnity Club and vote on by-law amendments to reflect these changes.

We will be looking for volunteers to serve on a committee to organize this year’s Picnic.  Since we don’t plan on another meeting before the the Holiday Party, we will also be looking for volunteers for that committee, as well.