2013 Annual Meeting Minutes



2012 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club


10am, Saturday, June 1, 2013


Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 2nd Street, Neahkahnie



The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President John Isbell. Those in attendance constituted the required quorum: Phyllis Brownlee, Bill and Karen Harshberger, Bill and Carol Pritchard, Bill Hammer, Tori Pickerel, Ann Morgan, John and Monica Isbell, Sue and Dave Williams, John and Carol Steele, Tony and Sarah Johnson, John Hanby and Karen Martin.



PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS John Isbell spoke briefly about the work of the Board over the course of the year.



MINUTES OF PRIOR ANNUAL MEETING The minutes of the prior Annual Meeting (held in May, 2012) were reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as presented.



REPORT: SOCIAL EVENTS Tori Pickerell reviewed the two social events of the prior year: the August picnic, held in Pam Greenes’s yard and home, and the Holiday Party in December, held for the first time at the North Coast Recreation District’s gym. She expressed appreciation about the willingness of people to help set up, decorate, and then clean up afterwards. There was consensus that both events were highly successful. In preliminary discussion about things to improve, there was a specific concern about lack of satisfactory exterior lighting at NCRD. More generally, there was expressed interest reaching out newcomers in the community to involve them in the events.



REPORT: NOMINATING: John Isbell reviewed the nominations for new officers: President Tori Pickerel, Vice President Loraine Carlson, Secretary Sarah Johnson, Treasurer Tony Johnson. He called for further nominations from the floor. There were none. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the slate of officers as presented.



REPORT: FINANCES Tony Johnson reviewed the 2012 year-end financial report. He pointed out that the Club may be headed on a non-sustainable financial path, and presented a financial analysis of the Holiday Dinner Party, which is the primary source of the shortfall. He reviewed two corrective options that had been examined by the Board, both of which involved an increase in ticket costs. He pointed out that the Board had earlier reviewed the options and agreed to recommend to the membership that an increase to $30 per ticket was a fair increase. The members in attendance informally agreed with the Board’s recommendation. It was also suggested that another option for raising additional funds would be a $5 admission fee for the summer picnic. Finally, it was suggested that we should ask for donations at both events.






It was agreed that the website may need some refreshing. Tony will contact Mike Lincicumabout the current status of the website.



Sarah Johnson confirmed that an invitation to new members would be included in the next water bill. It was suggested that local phone numbers of several members be included in that announcement. Ann Morgan and John/Carol Steele offered to add their names as contacts about the club.



The question of Club maintenance of local beach paths was raised. Although the Club supported restructuring of some paths in the past, the funds had come from direct donations, not from operating funds. It was noted that there some concern about liability if the Club were to assume maintenance responsibilities. Homeowners along the paths are encouraged to maintain them vountarily.



Tori Pickerel asked if the membership would agree with the idea of raising additional funds through a $5/person admission fee at the summer picnic. It was informally agreed that this would be appropriate, but there was also the strong encouragement to actively solicit cash contributions



Tori Pickerel presented John with a bottle of wine in thanks for his leadership of the Board over the last year.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.



Respectfully submitted, Sarah Johnson, Secretary