Home and garden of Hans Kretschmer and Pam Greene
38150 Reed Road, Neahkahnie
Date: Saturday, August 10
Time: 12 noon to 3 pm
NCC will provide sandwiches, drinks, plates, napkins, cutlery, etc.
Please bring a dish to share with your neighbors, as follows:
Last Name: A-O (salads)*
Last Name: P-Z (desserts)*
*With an eye toward a typical warm afternoon: please do not bring anything that melts!! Freezer/refrigeration is not available.
Annual membership dues entitle all current members of the Neahkahnie Community Club to attend this event free of charge. Guests accompanying members are always welcome. Picnic admission for guests is $5/person.
If you are not yet a current member, it’s not too late to pay your 2013 dues. A membership form is attached to this email. You may also pay your dues ($10/person) at the picnic.
Food for thought: To avoid raising annual dues this year, the Club’s Board has decided to seek voluntary contributions from event participants. We promise not to pass any hats, but there will be a contributions jar at the picnic.
See you on August 10. Parking is limited and carpooling is advised. If you are in need of transportation, please let me know when you make your reservation.
(email) (or phone) 503-799-3063