2014 Annual Meeting

The Neahkahnie Community Club’s annual meeting for 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, January 11, 2014, 11a.m. at the home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 Second Street in Neahkahnie.

The agenda includes: Review of 2013 club activities; Finance report for 2013; Nominating Committee report*; Nominations from the floor; Election of 2014 Executive Committee.

* Proposed slate for 2014 Executive Committee for 2014: President Tori Pickerel, Vice-President Loraine Carlson, Secretary Sarah Johnson, Treasurer Tony Johnson, Ad Hoc Member Matt Gray.

2013 Holiday Party



The annual holiday party was held on Saturday, December 14th at the North County Recreation Center.  There was a record turn-out of 95 members and guests at the event which again featured a dinner catered by the Big Wave restaurant. There were many new members, as well as the usual familiar faces this year.  The refreshments this year featured a great selection of wines, spirits, and a keg of craft beer provided by the Seaside Brewing Co.



There are more photos of the event available by clicking on the photo album link on the right.