Happy New Year!
During the 2016 year, the Board has worked hard to implement the changes necessary to streamline our two annual events, making them more cost-effective and more efficient to put together. Thanks to all of you who embraced the new formats for both the summer Picnic in the Park and the Holiday Mingle ‘n Jingle. I hope you enjoyed them.
Picnic in the Park: The new location at the Meeting House in our Nehalem Bay State Park was easy to set-up and adapted well to our needs. Access was easy, parking was plentiful, the potluck food was (as always) delicious, and the camaraderie was terrific. In addition to the picnic lunch spread, we were grateful to have our NKN neighbors from the Emergency Volunteer Corps join us to review our preparations for the inevitable natural disaster predicted for our coastline. The 2017 picnic will be at the same place on Sunday, August 13. Save the date.
Mingle ‘n Jingle: Our second year at the Pine Grove Community House for our holiday party was another hit! According to all reports, the catered food and drink were outstanding. One guest remarked to me: “I’ve met and enjoyed talking with more people tonight than I’ve ever experienced at a NKN holiday event. It must be the fact that people are just enjoying reconnecting with neighbors.” And also the fact that there’s much more mingling than the former seated dinner format could ever offer. Don’t miss the 2017 party: Saturday, December 9. Save this date, too.
Our key to continuing success is always an expanding and participating membership, which should be the natural result of all the newcomers in our neighborhood. Please invite your new friends and neighbors to join you in Club activities, and steer them to the website: www.neahkahnieclub.org for membership information. We’re open to all full-time and and part-time residents in our area. The only requirement is that members have an interest in the Neahkahnie neighborhood. As always, please call me (503-799-3063) or email (sarahaveryjohnson @ gmail.com) if you have thoughts or questions about the Neah-kah-nie Community Club or if you want to be involved with what we’re doing.
Best wishes for the New Year!
Sarah Johnson, President
PS The Club’s Annual Meeting will take place at our home on Saturday, January 21 at 11am. All members are welcome. Please see the 1/6/17 member email from Secretary Dave Williams for agenda details..