Water District and New Development: The Latest

NWD Review Tillamook County Process

From Club President Sarah Johnson:  Here is the latest report from Kathie Hightower and Mark Roberts, edited for brevity.  Also displayed is Mark’s chart explaining Tillamook County’s decision-making process for new housing Developments.  SAJ

Hi all—Here’s an update on the Summit Manzanita project as reported by Mark Roberts, who attended:

 Not much happened at the Neahkahnie Water District meeting on April 11…
  • The Summit Manzanita Project Planner was anticipated… but didn’t show.
  • Rich Felley is pushing hard to get the Hydrogeologist on board; Sarah the attorney has been working with Rich to get the outline of work detailed out correctly and to be on time.
  • Should be getting a final scope of work and contract from the hydrogeologist any minute. Then off to Grant sponsor for funding

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Mark and I are trying to keep on top of what is happening with the Water District as it applies to this development. We’ll keep you informed on that.

I do think there are other issues with this development, past the Water District and water safety. Things like dangers of landslides due to septic tanks/fields, the potential extreme traffic problems on 101 in summer and in RV season, with no turn lane (ie. if a vehicle coming south has to stop for a long time to turn left not the development the traffic will be halted way back,l ike it is currently coming off Hwy 26 into Seaside in summer). Neither Mark or I are in a position to address these wider issues. If anyone wants to head up a team to do so, and/or be on such a team, email me and I’ll connect you all. I’ll also connect you with Oregon Coast Alliance who is interested in fighting this kind of development. I can connect you with a community member who has volunteered to help with PR/media if necessary.

Per the Oregon Coast Alliance: “Oregon Coast Alliance is happy to talk with those who have a broader interest in fighting this development, which includes but is not limited to the water issues. We have experience in fighting developments that are inappropriately sited and/or cause natural resource and community problems. We are a land use watchdog group, that is our focus.”You can see projects they’ve worked on at their website at http://www.oregoncoastalliance.org/category/victories/

Thanks, Kathie