Save the date: Saturday, August 11… Picnic in the Park

Hello Neahkahnie neighbors!

PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE:  Saturday, August 11, Noon to 3 pm………..

for the Season’s biggest event, the………

The Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club 2018 Summer Social
Nehalem Bay State Park Meeting Hall

We’ll have the same great neighbors and friends!  And the same club-provided and shared dishes! And the same sunny gathering at the State Park Meeting Hall.
A detailed invitation with all the particulars and RSVP information will be e-mailed to you in July.

It is free for current (2018) members of the Neahkahnie Community Club.  The State Park parking fee, as last year, will be covered. Visitors and guests of current members can attend for $5 per person.

A membership form with mailing directions is linked at the bottomw for your convenience. If you forgot to renew in January, you can use this form to take care of that now. (Let me know if you don’t remember and I’ll get right back to you.)

And if you have new friends or neighbors who aren’t already members why not invite them to join too?

For any questions? Just email or give me a call.

Thank You,
Dave Williams
Club Secretary

Annual Meeting minutes

2017 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club

11am, Saturday, January 27, 2018
Home of Tony and Sarah Johnson, 37395 2nd Street, Neahkahnie

The meeting was called to order at 11am by President Sarah Johnson. Those in attendance: Tony and Sarah Johnson, Colleen Schwindt, Ann Morgan, Dianne Bloom, Tori Pickerell, David and Marilyn Flemming. Notified absence: Board
members Dave Williams and Jacki Hinton.

MINUTES OF PRIOR YEAR ANNUAL MEETING The minutes of the 2016 Annual Meeting were distributed and reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the 2016 minutes as presented.

REVIEW OF 2017 CLUB ACTIVITIES: Colleen Schwindt reviewed our two social events in 2017. The Summer Picnic was another success, well-attended, and with continued enthusiastic approval of the Nehalem Bay State Park as our venue.
The jingle ‘n mingle Holiday Party was also deemed a success, with kudos for the excellent catering of Julie Barker of Buttercup. Members and guests agreed that the party format encouraged more interaction and conversation among

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: The total paid membership for2017 was 161 members, with an additional honorary member, Carol Povey. Prior year membership numbers: 2012=160 members; 2013 = 158 members; 2014= 187 members; 2015 = 196 members; 2016 = 163. There was some discussion about the importance of raising awareness about the Club with new homeowners. For that purpose, Sarah puts an announcement in the Neahkahnie Water District bills annually.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Tony reported that the Club started 2017 with a cash balance $6,076.06, Dues collection totaled $1,610, holiday party reservations came to $2,156 while $52 was generated from donations and guest payments at the picnic, bringing total revenue to $3,818. Admin and miscellaneous expenses totaled $283.87 while picnic expenses came to $374.52. and holiday party expenses amounted to $2,255.08 leading to total expenses for the year of
$3,841.85. The Club ended the year with a cash balance of $6,052.21.

Ticket cost for the holiday party, Jingle ‘N Mingle, were maintained this year at $28 per person. The event lost $84.08. Controllable expenses have been reduced as far as they can without affecting the party. What can’t be controlled is the
cost of renting Pine Grove ($520, including a $200 refundable damage deposit) and providing liquor and general liability insurance ($255) Action: It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the 2017 Financial Reports.

ELECTION OF 2018 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The following slate was presented for approval: OFFICERS: President Sarah Johnson; Vice President Jacki Hinton; Secretary David Williams, Treasurer Tony Johnson. AD HOC MEMBERS: Colleen
Schwindt, David and Marilyn Flemming, and also Tori Pickerell, former Club President. Webmaster (Matt Gray) is an appointed position. Action: It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the slate as presented.

Calendar: Picnic in the Park: SATURDAY, 8/11/2018; Holiday Jingle ‘n Mingle: SATURDAY 12/8/2018

Adopt-a-Highway Program: Tony has researched the possibility of the Club raising awareness by participation in this program. Unfortunately, at this time, there is no local section of Highway 101 available for adoption. Diane Bloom
offered to research the possibility of sharing some of the local Highway101 currently held by Rinehart Clinic.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.

Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Johnson, President (for Secretary Dave Williams)