Dear Neahkahnie Club members:
Happy New Year! Each January, the Neahkahnie Community Club holds a required “annual meeting” for its members to approve leadership and financial reports and make plans for the coming year. It’s a short and informal meeting to which all current members are invited. The annual meeting for the year just ended is Saturday, January 26, 11am-noon. Location: the Johnsons’ home at 37395 Second Street.
I hope you were able to attend both our Picnic in the Park at Nehalem Bay State Park in August and our jingle ‘n mingle holiday party at the Pine Grove House in December. Attendance at both events was great, and your enthusiastic participation tells us that you enjoy the way these two traditional neighborhood gatherings are happening. This year’s Picnic in the Park is set for Saturday, August 10, and the jingle ‘n mingle will happen on Saturday, December 14. Save those dates on your 2019 calendars. We’ll email you the details when the time is right.
Of course, Club events don’t happen in a vacuum. They are managed by a cohesive and committed Board. For our events this year, we all owe thanks to Jacki Hinton (Vice-President), Dave Williams (Secretary), Tony Johnson (Treasurer), Colleen Schwindt, Marilyn and David Flemming (Ad Hoc Members).
It’s a fact of life that as Neahkahnie continues to evolve and grow, some long-time Club members leave the area and new neighbors move here. Please introduce yourself to those newcomers, tell them about the Neahkahnie Club ( ) and invite them to join us and get to know their new neighbors.
Please do contact me directly if you have comments, concerns or most important of all, if you’d like to help us out this coming year!!! Please add your voice to ours!
Sarah Johnson, Club President