Home of Sarah and Tony Johnson, 39395 2ndStreet, Neahkahnie
11am, Saturday, January 26, 2019
2018 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club
President Sarah Johnson called the meeting to order at 11am. Those in attendance: Sarah and Tony Johnson, Jacki Hinton, Helen and Greg Gourde, Marilyn and David Flemming, David Holt and Ann Morgan. Notified absences: Board members Dave Williams and Colleen Schwindt.
MINUTES OF PRIOR ANNUAL MEETING the minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting were distributed and reviewed. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the 2017 minutes as presented.
REVIEW OF 2018 CLUB ACTIVITES: Jacki reviewed our two social events in 2018. The Summer Picnic was another success; well attended and with enthusiastic approval of the Nehalem Bay State Park as our venue. There was a brief presentation about neighborhood clusters that are being formed to help prepare for disasters. The jingle’n mingle was also seen as a success with appreciation for the excellent catering of Julie Barker of Buttercup. Members and guests enjoyed the interaction and conversation among those attending. The charge for the Party had been increased from $28 to $30 with no noticeable effect on attendance.
TREASURER’S REPORT Tony reported that he would be completing sending a copy of the Club’s financial statements to all of the attendees in the near future. He also reported that our year-end cash balance was $6,665.50. He also stated that the club is classified as a Section 501(c)(7) organization and that our tax report is due on May 15, 2019.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT David reported that total paid membership for 2018 was 151 members from 83 families.
ELECTION OF BOARD AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The following slate was presented for approval: OFFICERS: President Jacki Hinton; Vice President Helen Gourde; SECRETARY David Flemming; TREASURER Tony Johnson. AD HOC MEMBERS: Colleen Schwindt, Marilyn Flemming and also Sarah Johnson, former Club President. Webmaster (Dave Williams) is an additional appointed position. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the slate as presented.
Calendar: Picnic in the Park; Saturday 8/10/2019; jingle’n mingle 12/14/2019
Dave Holt asked about interest in organizing a group to make suggestions to Tillamook County to regulate short-term rentals in Neahkahnie. Sarah mentioned that the Club was prohibited from lobbying but thought that we could be a vehicle to let our neighbors know about the issue. Jacki indicated that she would see about communicating with our membership about this issue.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned about 12 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
David Flemming, Secretary
ADDENDUM 2/1/2019
As a follow up to the discussion at the NKN Community Club Annual Meeting, Jacki Hinton talked with Mark Roberts about organizing a NKN community gathering to discuss forming a Community Advisory Counsel. He agreed to take the lead and is following up with the County staff person to ask for assistance in the process. He’ll provide Jacki with some schedule options, and then she willl work on getting a meeting space booked. Further, Jacki raised at a neighborhood cluster meeting on Saturday, and all 23 people present seemed interested. Once a date is set, Jacki will ask the four NKN cluster leaders to share the meeting announcement with their clusters in addition to sending it out by email to the NKN Community Club membership, posting it on the Club website,