Draft 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes


2019 Annual Meeting of the Neahkahnie Community Club

11AM, Friday, January 24, 2019

At the Pine Grove Community House, Manzanita

President Jacki Hinton called the meeting to order at 11:06 AM.  

Those in attendance:  Jacki Hinton, Sarah and Tony Johnson, Helen and Greg Gourde, Marilyn and David Flemming, Dave and Sue Williams, Colleen Schwindt, Dave Boone, Ann Morgan, Liz Cole and Karen Martin. 

MINUTES OF PRIOR ANNUAL MEETING:  The minutes of the 2018 Annual Meeting were distributed and reviewed.  It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the 2018 minutes as presented.

REVIEW OF 2019 CLUB ACTIVITES:  Helen reviewed our two social events in 2019.  The Summer Picnic was another success; well attended and with enthusiastic approval of the Nehalem Bay State Park as our venue.  60 members and 3 guests attended.   There was a brief presentation by Rich Felley about water issues that affect our community.  Tony informed us that the picnic had cost us $763 (there are no revenues).

The Holiday Party was also seen as a success with appreciation for the excellent catering again by Julie Barker of Buttercup.  There were 65 attendees.  Rob Borgford graciously agreed to provide live music and spiced up the event by playing holiday tunes on the piano.  A special thanks was given to volunteers Dave Boone, Mike Cook, Tom Mock, Sue Williams, Judith Jones and Sue Baker.  Tony provided a schedule that showed that the Holiday Party had revenues of $1,980 and expenses of $2,814 resulting in a loss of $834.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Tony reported that our year-end cash balance was $6,144.11.  He also stated that the club is classified as a Section 501(c)(7) organization and that our tax report is due on May 15, 2020.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT:  David F. reported that total paid membership for 2019 was 124 members down from 152 members in 2018 and down from a high of 184 members in 2015.  There was discussion regarding possible reasons for this decline, including the increasing number of Neahkahnie homes converted to short terms rentals.  All members are encouraged to welcome new neighbors, both full and part-time, and invite them to join the Club and attend our events.  Members also are asked to notify the Board of new Neahkahnie neighbors.

BOARD AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:  The current board continues to serve in its second year of a 2-year term. 

OFFICERS:  President Jacki Hinton, Vice President Helen Gourde, Secretary David Flemming, Treasurer Tony Johnson.   

AD HOC MEMBERS:  Colleen Schwindt, Marilyn Flemming, Greg Gourde, and Sarah Johnson (former Club President).   Webmaster Dave Williams is an additional appointed position.  


Calendar of Events 

Picnic in the Park, Saturday 8/8/2019, Nehalem Bay State Park

Holiday Party, Friday 12/12/2020, Pine Grove Community House

The Club has struggled to find a location for the 2020 picnic. Nehalem Bay State Park changed its policy and no longer takes advance reservations for the picnic shelter.  The Board has been unable to find an acceptable alternative location for the picnic which would not involve excessive expenses for rental of tables and chairs and liability insurance.  Recently the Nehalem Bay park ranger informed us that they will take a reservation for the shelter on the day of the event on a first-come, first-served basis.  The Board decided to hold the picnic at Nehalem Bay State Park again this year and will ensure that a representative is there to reserve the shelter as soon as the park rangers arrive on the morning of the picnic.

There was a discussion in which most participants participated about dwindling membership and continuing financial losses from the two club events.  It was decided to keep the cost of the Holiday Party at $30 per person for now and to continue not charging members for the picnic.  It was proposed that membership dues be increased to $15 per person starting in 2021.  This would be the first dues increase in the memory of those present at the meeting.  The increase in dues to $15 per person was moved, seconded and unanimously approved by those present.  Other suggestions regarding additional table seating or providing cocktail tables for the Holiday Party will be considered for next year’s event.

Jacki presented the results of the recent survey of our members.  She noted that responses were predominately positive with respect to the Club and both annual events.  Specific suggestions regarding changes to the picnic or the holiday party will be considered for future events.

Jacki explained that the Club, as a 501(c)(7) organization, is a non-profit social club and limited in the activities it can pursue in order to maintain its non-profit status.  Several members suggested in their survey responses that the Club serve as a forum for discussion of subjects such as tree height restrictions and regulation of short-term rentals.  Jacki explained that such topics may be more appropriately addressed by a Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC).  According to Tillamook Board of County Commissioners, a CAC is organized under the Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 1 as an advisory body to local, state and federal government agencies and citizens.  Tillamook County has expressed interest in holding a community meeting to begin working with Neahkahnie residents to form a CAC.  A number of coastal communities have a CAC which participates on County task forces, such as a recent one addressing short-term rental regulations. The Club will notify its membership of the community meeting once the County sets a time and place.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted, 

David Flemming, Secretary

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