Community Outreach

One of the topics that was discussed at the May 2nd meeting was how to reach out to members of the Neahkahnie community who are not currently members of the Community Club.

The Executive Committee has already taken several steps to do this.  Kay and Walt Covert included a link to the Club’s new web site in their mailing to all property owners earlier this year. We also included a flyer inviting Neahkahnie property owners to check out the club with the Neahkahnie Water District bills that went out at the end of April. In addtion, we have gotten the Club listed under “Community Organizations” on the web site. So far, these efforts have resulted in numerous “hits” on the web site and a few new members.

As was discussed at the meeting, the best way to reach out to other members of our community is through direct face-to-face contact.  If you have a neighbor who is new to the community or who does not currently belong to the Club you can let them know what we do and invite them to join.  As a way to help with this, a link to a color version of the membership invitation flyer that was sent out with the water bills is included below.  A copy is also available under the “pages” section on the right.  Feel free to download and print copies of this invitation and give one to community members who may be interested in the Club.

Membership Invitation Flyer

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