Approximately 30 members turned out for the annual meeting on May 8th. The main order of business was the election of officers for the next year. The slate of officers nominated by the nominating committee were elected by unanimous vote.
The officers for the next year are:
Monica Isbell – President
Mike Lincicum – Vice President / Webmaster
Karen Harshbarger – Secretary
Bill Pritchard – Treasurer
The other item of new business at the meeting was a discussion of the the Club using some of our special beach walk fund to do maintenance of the path and bridge beside the creek on Reed Road. Phyllis Brownlee was appointed to chair an ad hoc committee to explore hiring a contractor to do some repairs on the bridge and organizing a work party to do some leveling and improvement of the path between the bridge and concrete section of the path leading down to the sand. Phyllis will talk to the owners of the properties adjoining the path before any work is done.
A motion was passed authorizing this committee to present a proposal to the Executive Committee. The officers will poll the members by mail and Email to determine if a special meeting is needed to act on the proposal. If no members request a special meeting, the Executive Committee would be authorized to act on the proposal.
There was also a request for volunteers to help with upcoming Club activities.
Lyn Eisenhaur and Lynn Messenger have volunteered to coordinate a Neahkahnie Community Club entry in the Manzanita July 4th parade again this year. If you or your family members are interested in marching in the parade, please leave a comment below.
John and Monica Isbell volunteered to help with the Picnic on August 14th and the Holiday Party on December 4th. Bill and Carol Pritchard, Bill and Karen Harshbarger, and Kathleen Ryan also offered to help with the picnic and table and chair transport. Larry Kiser volunteered to be the bartender for the Holiday Party, as usual. Howard Harris and Phyllis Brownlee also offered to help with the Holiday Party. More volunteers are needed, so please contact Monica Isbell, send an Email to the Club contact address, or leave a comment below if you are willing to help out with these events.
Howard Harris made a brief announcement regarding Tillamook County’s ordinance regulating short-term rentals and indicated that he had copies of a packet regarding this ordinance available if members are interested. A link to the Tillamook County web site with information on this program is also included under “links” on the right side-bar.
A copy of the official meeting minutes from this meeting is available in PDF format below.