Beach Path Upgrade Proposal

The ad hoc committee chairman, Phyllis Brownlee, has submitted her findings on the repair and refurbishing of the Neahkahnie beach path. After interviewing contractors, she submitted a proposal to the Neahkahnie Community Club Board from Terry Fullan as follows:

Widen lower trail to 30”.
Remove encroaching dirt and sod. Remove old timbers.
Re-install pressure treated 4 x 4 wood materials level with the trail grade next to fencing.
Haul old dry rot railroad ties to Trails End Recovery.
Install crushed rock to approaches to the bridge, with some minor rock work at the edges.
We have also proposed layering sand onto the crushed rock for better footing.

Bridge repairs are to include rebuilding the posts, side rails, using new wood and some recovered wood. The goal is to strengthen the bridge and keep the old character intact.
The final touch would be a fresh pressure washing of the bridge to clean surface of grime.

Unless there is a need for a special meeting, which must be scheduled as soon as possible, the Board will concur with the committee appointed at our Annual Meeting and will proceed with the necessary improvements. The Board was given the authority to proceed with the committee’s recommendation by a motion that was unanimously passed at the Annual Business Meeting, May 8, 2010.

Our beach path fund CD is presently $3473.17. Mr. Fullan’s estimate for labor, materials and administration for this project is $1125.00. This amount does not include the additional sand required to cover the gravel. We would be using the beach path CD money for the repair work as a donation to the community, since this money was donated by our membership especially for maintaining the public beach paths.

If you have any concerns regarding this project, please notify President, Monica Isbell ( before June 8th.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Harshbarger, Secretary (

Additional Notes:
1.Club Vice President, Mike Lincicum, continues to post new content regularly to the Club’s website. We encourage you to take a look. The website address is

2.We are still seeking more volunteers for the following Club events. Please contact Monica Isbell at (503) 368-3389 or if you are interested in lending a hand.

Annual Picnic August 14, 2010 from noon to 3:00. Pam Greene graciously offered her lovely home again for this event.

Annual Holiday Party December 4, 2010 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Pine Grove.

3. If you are interested in participating in the Manzanita July 4th parade along with other member of the Neahkahnie Community Club, please send a message with your contact information to the Club contact Email address.

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