Thanks to the hard work of our Beach Path Committee Chairperson Phyllis Brownlee, the beach path between 1st Street and Reed Road has been repaired and upgraded. There were major issues with the drainage and stairs at the top of the path that could not be addressed within the resources we had available, but Phyllis was able to work out a plan with our contractor, Robert Vermilyea, that significantly improved the condition of the path using the remaining money in our special beach path fund.
After the completion of work this year on both beach paths, we have no money left in the special fund that originally came from member donations many years ago. So, in the future the Club will no longer be involved with any maintenance activities related to the beach paths unless some other source of funding is identified. There is no money in the Club’s regular operating budget for this type of work, but both paths are in much better shape than they have been in for many years.
Some before and after photos of the 1st. Street – Reed Road path are below. More photos are available in the Photo Album link to the right.