We now have a volunteer willing to serve as Vice President. Tori Pickerel will be added to the slate of officers presented at the Annual Meeting on May 7th.
In preparation for the Annual Meeting to be held on May 7th, the Executive Committee has nominated a slate of officers for the 2011-2012 term.
Monica Isbell has agreed to serve a 2nd term as President and Bill Pritchard has offered to serve another year as Treasurer. John Isbell has volunteered to serve as Secretary. Mike Lincicum has agreed to continue to maintain the web site for another year.
We are still in need of someone willing to serve as Vice President. With the current activity schedule of the Club, this person is mainly responsible for filling in for the President, if needed, and generally helping out at Club events. Anyone willing to accept the nomination for Vice President should contact Monica Isbell or send an Email to the Club’s contact address – info@neahkahnieclub.org.
Karen Harshbarger will be sending out an Email reminder regarding the Annual Meeting sometime in April.