NCC Presidnet’s Report

Neahkahnie Community Club President’s Report – April 4, 2013

Dear Members,

If you attended the Holiday Party in December at North Coast Recreation District, then you know the NKN Club capped a very successful year. Our Summer Picnic and Holiday Party were well attended and fun events. I want to thank this year’s Board for all their hard work and dedication to increasing membership and organizing both events. Please join me in congratulating:

Tori Pickerel – V.P. and Events Chairperson

Sarah Johnson – Secretary

Tony Johnson – Treasurer

The Board joins me in thanking all the Club members who volunteered their time to help with the set-up and clean-up of our two events. Everyone’s collective efforts made these events enjoyable for all.

We currently have 164 registered members and you can help us build the membership by inviting a Neahkahnie resident or homeowner to join the Club. Please email Sarah at with their contact information so she can register them and set them up to enjoy our neighborhood events.

Our cash balance as of December 31, 2012 is $3,392 which includes 2013 dues. For those who have yet to send in your 2013 dues of $10 per person, please use the attached form to do so at your earliest convenience. Our expenses for 2013 are expected to be around $2,400 which includes an estimated $325 in general expenses, $625 for the Summer Picnic, and $1,450 for the Holiday Party.

I will be leaving the Board as President after the Annual Meeting but will remain in an advisory capacity for one year. If you are interested in a Board position or want to volunteer to co-chair one of our two annual events, please contact me by April 30, 2013. My email address is: or call me at 503-368-3389. The nominating committee will present the slate of nominations for Board officer positions for the approval of those members attending the Annual Meeting.

The 2013 Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, June 1st at 10am. To keep the neighborhood theme of the Club, the meeting will be held at Tony and Sarah Johnson’s wonderful beach home at 37395 Second Street.

Please put these important dates on your calendar:

Annual Meeting – June 1, 2013 at the Johnson’s home at 37395 Second Street

Summer Picnic – August 10, 2013 at Pam Greene’s home on 38150 Reed Road

Holiday Party – December 14, 2013 at North Coast Recreation District, Nehalem

Thanks again to my hardworking Board, to all of you who helped us with our events, and to those who attended our events. It’s all about friendship and community.


John Isbell, President

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