SAVE THE DATE – August 13th!

Hello Neah-Kah-Nie neighbors!

PLEASE SAVE THIS DATE: Sunday, August 13, Noon to 3 pm………..

for the Season’s biggest event, the………

The Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club 2017 Summer Social at the
Nehalem Bay State Park Meeting Hall

We’ll have the same great neighbors and friends! And the same club-provided and shared dishes! And the same sunny gathering at the State Park Meeting Hall.

The Club Board is working hard again to make it an enjoyable gathering. A detailed invitation with all the particulars and RSVP information will be e-mailed to you in July. It is free for current (2017) members of the Neah-Kah-Nie Community Club. The State Park parking fee, as last year, will be covered.

A membership form with mailing directions is at the bottom of this post for your convenience. If you forgot to renew in January, you can use this form to take care of that now.

And if you have new friends or neighbors who aren’t already members why not invite them to join too?

Any questions? Just email davensue_163 @


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